Dark Light


Third Person’s (P. O. V.)


Today really was a shocking day as today a beauty entered in our class and our class was on uproar.

She has soft silky hair with two swirls in front.

She was wearing an indifferent expression and maybe was looking for someone that I don’t know.

Then her gaze stopped at the corner of the middle bench and then she smiled.


Her smile was so sweet and pure that I, what even the whole class, can’t take their eyes from her. It was like a hundred flowers bloomed on a lifeless land. She was the only sunshine in the dark cave. She was looking so stunning.


Ignoring the whole class whispers, she walked near the bench and sit beside the empty seat beside a girl. Maybe…. Ah.. her name was Reena, but did the beauty know her? I thought.


Then the class went on uproar when the girl introduce the beauty as Ryna. the whole class was shocked, including me.


I don’t know much about as I never noticed her that much as she was always sitting in the corner in the class and always studying.

She was a typical nerd with large bangs and round shaped goggles. And was the teacher’s favourite due to her ranks.


The girls of the classes started gossiping about her as she did plastic surgery or what maybe because of jealousy.

But then the class teacher entered, and the class became silent again and the teacher started the lecture.


And maybe the shock for today was not enough as after some time the school hunk also come to the school today. Sorry for saying this but he rarely comes to school even in exams and god knows how he is staying in this school. There are even rumours about his mysterious background. Maybe it is related to it.

As he entered the class, the girls screams were loud and many envious looks were directed at him, but ignoring it, his gaze stopped a while at the school beauty aka maybe Ryna and how confidently or deliberately the school hunk seated in front of the beauty.

And every one including me, can see the beauty blushing. Maybe it was too. hot, that’s why ignoring the jealousy we assumed.



But today was a shocking day.






Finally, the two hour lecture was over or she can’t help but sleep from dizziness.

It was normal as she came from ten years ago, so for sure this lecture is boring for her as she had already read it. She would have been sleeping till now if her friend did not constantly remind her of not sleeping in lectures and, huh, how annoying she is, but she can’t deny sweet too.

After the lecture was over, the lunch bell rang and along with Reena, she came out from the classroom ignoring the curious gazes of boys on her and basically girls’ screams on the school hunk.


And she was a little shocked but not shocked to find her lovely friend or she can say enemy standing there waiting for her.


But when she walked past her, she can see shock in her eyes but she ignored her. Maybe she didn’t recognise me. That was good.

She was just going from there, but she stopped in the middle as she heard her call.


Seeing her turned back, she came to her with a sweet smile. Seeing Reena beside her, she said- “Ahh! can we talk alone Ryna?”

‘Oh! So recognised me after all thanks to this girl’s keen sense.’ She thought


She told Reena to wait for her in the cafeteria, not because Syra said it but she didn’t want to have her murder Syra because she knows if she listened to her advice she was going to surely die from anger.

After Reena went with reluctance clearly visible in her eyes, making her chuckle from her cuteness.

She then remembered the other one here and smiled in return at Syra sweetly, because if she was playing with her, why not? She will also play with her till the end.

What happened? She asked her, maintaining her innocent facade.

Seeing her she said “Nothing Ryna, I just want to wanted to have a chat with my best friend. For how much days we had not met? Ah! but did you change your style? I liked the previous one more she said, seeing my innocent face. “And the dresses did you go on shopping alone and forget your best friend. I would have suggested more beautiful dresses for you.”She said again looking at her dresses.


She could clearly see the anger and jealousy in her eyes as she didn’t hide it well because maybe she thought she can’t detect it as she was the fool who will listen to her nonsense and follow whatever she said but I was not.


“Oh! About this, don’t you like it but my parents and all said that I look more good in it?” She replied.


Her smile twitched a little, as maybe she didn’t expect me to say something in return. She thinks I will definitely change my style if she said so, but I will not.


“Ah! Syra, I am hungry. I will go to the cafeteria. We will talk later. Ok! bye” she said and hurriedly came from there as she was not in the mood to entertain her.


Arriving at the cafeteria, she saw Reena waiting there for her in the que. She waved at her and smiled before she also joined her in the line.

After taking our lunch, we sat at the nearby bench and started eating.

“Ryna, what was Syra telling you about? And If you didn’t feel bad so I will advise you should stop talking to her.” Reena said, breaking the silence.

In her previous life, she also warned me about her many times, but the fool she was whenever she said to me about Syra, I scolded her and didn’t talk to her for months. ‘What a big fool I was to not to believe her.’ She thought.


She smiled at her and said, “You should not worry, Reena. I will not talk to her but I still need to do let her pay some old bills and have to give her a lesson. But you don’t worry, I know her, the two faced bitch, very well. Ok let’s not spoil our mood talking about her,” she said with a smile, but there was a strong glint in her eyes.


Reena felt a strong chill on her back after seeing the cold eyes of her.

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