Chapter 6: Lies



The healer tried his best to heal Aurianna but his power could not be compared to the full power of a Saintess’s restoration. Once he was done visible signs of torture could still be seen, however he could do nothing more about it. It was possible she could’ve been healed better but there was no time, she couldn’t keep a summons from the King waiting.


Russell bit her nails as she walked with Aurianna who was being dragged to the grand hall as she followed behind. Aurianna got tossed forcefully before the king and all his subjects. The king, sitting on his high throne looked down in confusion. The sun beaming down behind him made him seem grand, perhaps grander and stronger than he was in all reality.


He scoffed, “What is the meaning of this?!”


General Huns, the father of Russell shouted out in anger, “Your majesty it’s the traitorous Saintess Aurianna!”


The King glared, “Who was so bold to do this?” He was barely able to recognise her in the state she was in.


Huns chuckled nervously. He knew that if he didn’t make a convincing argument the King would have him and his daughter dealt with instantly.


He cleared his throat, “Well you see your majesty, my daughter only did this since the Saintess uses her face to charm the hearts of people.”


The King’s eyes widened in shock, “Preposterous, guards since she dared to do a thing like this, cut off her face! Make it as painful as possible!!’


Russell cried out, bowing to him, completely touching the ground, “Your majesty please forgive me.”


“Your majesty, please have mercy on my daughter,” General Huns got down on one knee.


The King outstretched his hands, “Take her away.”


“Your majesty I’m sorry I’m sorry,” she cried as she was getting taken away.


The king looked at Aurianna to see the many cuts and bruises on her body. She looked so frail, like she had been drained of blood from her many injuries. And probably even poisoned. Russell had completely ruined the pure blood of the saintess. After two weeks of drinking her blood he looked much younger as though he was in his early prime not his later years. However no one dared to question how he became younger.


A guard in the room, who had been alongside General Huns raised his hands in a pleading motion, “Your majesty, please calm down. I’m sure Russell only did it for the good of the people. The Saintess has been shown to be a danger to your rule and the kingdom.”


At the words of the guard the King raised his hands, the knights who grabbed Russell stopped in place.


The King had his hand on his chin, “Continue.”


The Guard spoke again, “It’s the same thing I said sir. It was overstepping but I believe it was a necessary action to gain proper information.”


Another guard, one wearing armor a little more grand than the others stood and bowed, “But your majesty, the Saintess hasn’t done anything to harm the kingdom. At this point all we’ve heard is accusations, there hasn’t been any proof. What’s more she had saved countless lives and kept the kingdom at balance with the other races.”


The guard who tried his best to defend her was her personal knight, who had always been there for her. He had gone on an extended trip 4 weeks before, around the time she and the heroes battled the Demon King.


Aurianna was surprised when she heard his voice. He was her personal knight that had also had her back as much as he could. Even in a situation like this, where everyone was against her it was comforting to know he would still stand by her.


“With this face she has seduced her brother and the heroes, who knows if she can seduce all the citizens to rally against you.” General Huns spoke quickly, so fast that Aurianna’s personal guard, who had tried his best to defend her, couldn’t let his plea stirr in the King’s mind.


The King put his hand on his chin, “I see.” A tense silence filled the room briefly. Everyone was waiting on the King’s verdict or at least another word, so they would know what he was thinking about.


Aurianna sweated heavily, the silence was maddening.


The King spoke once more, “Saintess, do you confess about uniting with the demons against the kingdom?”


“I… do not confess… I would never betray this kingdom. I’ve always loved, cared, and wanted to do nothing but protect the people. I’ve always wished for the well being of the kingdom.”


“Still denying!!” General Huns growled.


Aurianna gritted her teeth, “I would never but even if I did… what would I have gained? I already had all the power and wealth here. Trying to conspire with demons would’ve only endangered my position here as well.”


Almost all in the room, except her personal guard, looked at Aurianna with looks of hate. They were cold looks that brought shivers down her spine. The glares were filled with contempt, greed, and hatred. However out of all the glares the one that she could sense most was from General Huns.


She gasped, “I don’t understand this. Why would you all do this? Have you forgotten how I saved your wife, General Huns? Or even when I saved the citizens from one of the worst pandemics in our history!?”


The King stood, catching the attention of everyone in the room, “I’ve heard enough. It seems it’s your word against my entire royal guard. I see it clearly now. You betrayed the kingdom! Let Russell go, you’ve done me a great service.”


The Knights released Russell who stood, bowing gracefully. She spoke, “I’ll exit now your majesty,” and with that she bowed, turning to walk out of the room. However, before she exited she gave Aurianna one last look filled with pure joy that she had been spared.


After she left the room all turned their attention back to the King who continued, “While we’re at this. I’ve decided. Once we’re done subduing the church we’ll burn them alongside you!!”


Aurianna gazed up at him with nothing but confusion written on her face, “What has the church got to do with this?”


“They challenged my authority and are planning to rule us.”


She spoke, cutting the rest of his statement off, “Lies. You’re lying father. You just want to get rid of them since you know they won’t take my execution lying down.” She paused, holding back her tears, “I thought we’re a happy family, but when my brother raped me you did nothing, and somehow I seduced him? You believe that truly?”




“How funny, and what reason would I do that?”


“You did that to obviously control your brother so he’d come after the throne, my throne! A slut like you has no right to defame the imperial family.”


Aurinna was trying her best to hold herself together but after his response she couldn’t.




As tears streamed down her face, she thought to herself, ‘I’m to blame? I’m… a slut? But I never did anything…”


Completely defeated, she shuddered, “Why Father?”


Despite her wanting, pleading for a response he turned away from her. Walking over to the window behind his throne, looking out upon his city. He sighed, “Send the Saintess back to her cell, she waits till the day her execution comes,”


All in the throne room smirked happily. All except her Personal Guard who was shaking, gripping his fists tightly. General Huns chuckled before placing his hand on the Guard’s shoulder, “Good try fool. We win.”




Just as the knights started making their way over to Aurianna, there was a certain aura coming off her.


General Huns looked on in confusion, “I thought she had lost her powers! What is this!?”


Sadly he was still right. Unlike the attack he and many others in the room expected, a crystal fell from Aurianna’s eyes. It hit the ground making a clink sound, but it didn’t shatter.


The solid state the crystal remained in after smacking the ground was proof of its quality.


Everyone gazed at the beautiful white crystal that laid on the ground in complete silence. It was so pure and white, yet it had a sort of engraving on it making it clear it wasn’t a basic crystal. It was something…more.


As all in the room were taking in just the single crystal’s beauty, more started falling from Aurrianna’s eyes.


Everyone in the hall stared at the beautiful crystals, completely captivated by them. While the crystals were falling everyone was practically frozen in time. However, once the magic had set in, in a rush most of the officials ran to grab the crystals before the others or the King could take them away. One was leading the charge, huffing excitedly.


The King raised his hand at the sudden scene before him, many officials scrambling over, “Guards stop all this commotion.”


One of the guards, Raynold, grabbed some of the crystals which were starting to pile up, “I’m sorry your majesty but look! These are the best looking gems I’ve ever seen. Absolutely beauti…. ” Before he could finish his words, crystals began to grow on his arm like thorn spikes.


“Arghhhh,” Raynold screamed in pain as multiple crystals grew out of his body before he was turned into a deformed crystal sculpture. He was killed almost instantly.


Once the other officials saw this they tossed away the crystals, but it was already too late. Crystals began to grow out of the body of all those who touched them.


Panicked, the King commanded nearby guards to try and help free the officials, but they were also turned into crystal sculptures as well.


The heroes shuddered in fear as they witnessed the horrifying scene before them.


The King shouted, demandingly, “Aurianna what magic have you casted on them? Free them.”


Aurianna was shifting, trying to sit up on her knees, “What magic father? I can’t see.”




“Are you now realizing it Father? I don’t know what just happened but trust me, I’m innocent!”


The King scoffed, “Stop calling me father, you’re not my daughter! You’re just a random child I found in a strange pod on one of my trips,” the king confessed as he looked at Aurrianna who seemed to make an expression of disbelief despite her eyes being gone now.


‘I’m….not his daughter…..?’


Voice shaking, Aurianna spoke, “But… if I’m not really your daughter, why have I looked like you and mother all my life?”


“I couldn’t even tell if you were a monster or a blessing, when I first met you were the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen. Pure white crystal hair and bright blue eyes, once you saw us you took our looks. I first thought you were a blessing from the goddess, but now I rethink you are more like the devil.


Aurianna knelt there in shock, unable to believe her father’s words.




Aurianna laid in her cell as no one bothered her again. The King ordered his guards, the ones who hadn’t been turned to crystal, to return her to her cell. He didn’t mention anything about changing her punishment or anything like an apology or saying she really was his daughter.


She laid in the darkness as she wondered. Was her birth a mistake? What she kept on wondering about during her convenient period of self reflection, was who her true parents could’ve been if not those from the royal family.


The quiet she was thinking in didn’t last long. The silence was disturbed as she heard someone open her cell.


“Aurianna?” A voice called out as she shuddered in fear and hatred.


That voice. It was one Aurianna knew well. It was Cindy, stranding in front of her.


She was holding her hands timidly, shcoked to see her in her current state, “I…wanted to talk to you.”

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