Chapter 9: New Space



Eva unfortunately found herself in another dark void, filled with nothingness. As far as she could see, there was only darkness.

“I wonder what I should do now,” she thought to herself as she wandered around the space. Eva was trying to check how wide it was, since she couldn’t physically see something like a wall or barrier.

“Ugh,” she grunted after slamming into something. She looked forward and around annoyedly but couldn’t see anything.

She attempted to walk forward again but couldn’t. She then reached her hands out and they were stopped, as she felt up and down it was a smooth surface. She believed it to be an invisible wall.

[ Congratulations for receiving approval from Selenite. ] the system alerted in a joyous tone.

“Seriously? Just now you’re aware of my presence?” Eva rolled her eyes.

[ You’re now the new White Diamond Pearl. This is now your system space.]

[ I am the System that would guide you into becoming a full Pearl.]

“That’s cool, but this void is so plain. Can’t it be brightened up a little?”

[ Let the System get access to you housing preferences so that space can be made comfy for the Pearl.] the system alerted since it needed an image of Eva’s housing preference.

“Sure,” Eva agreed. She felt a strange tingling sensation inside her head for a short moment before it disappeared.

Once the System was done scanning whatever it needed inside Eva’s head, rows of technical screens appeared all over the space with different codes. While all the many technical screens were popping up, a huge bed appeared before Eva and beside it was a study table with a huge computer that carried different code and symbols on it.

The once boring void transformed into a very nuanced sci-fi looking room with a bedroom, office room, along with a dining room and bathroom.

“This is satisfactory,” Eva commented happily about the room design. This range of computers would be good for her multitasking habits, since she is half-robot after all.

[ System can show Pearl’s stats would you like to see? ]

The new system alert caused Eva to be curious since she was interested in knowing how the system would display her stats.

“I already know my stats, but I haven’t checked it in a while. Okay then let’s see,” Eva nodded her head in agreement.


[ Eva Grovel

Age: 80566 years

Class: Chaos Gunner, Planetary Mage, Mecha Princess

Race: Pearl, Human, Mecha

Level: 2045

Exp:4789/ 4000000000

HP: 50000000/50000000

STR: 9500000

VIT: 3000000

INT: 67000000

Magic power: 99999999999

Agility: 3000000

Defense: 5000000


Luck: 209989

Skill points: 0

Skills:  ????

Titles: Chaos Goddess, Mecha Goddess, Maniac, Gun Master, Weapon Master, God Slayer, Goddess of Time, Divine Goddess, Enemy of Regals, Enemy of Spirits, World Destroyer, Universe Destroyer, Chaos Bringer. ]


“I wonder why my skills can’t be seen,” Eva scratched her chin in confusion since her skills weren’t mentioned by the system.

[ System is unable to detect the skills you use since they aren‘t common, the only way to detect them would be if you named the specific skill’s name. ]


“Oh, that’s true, I never mention the spells I cast. I just think of it then I cast it. Can I see the Diamond I would be taking care of then?” Eva asked, a patient expression across her face. She was pretty new to this whole “diamond and pearl thing” so she didn’t want to rush things. She knew being patient and open to learning would be her best asset during this whole experience.


[ Processing your Diamond……]

[ Two individuals have been found that have a faint resonance of the White Diamond gem in them. ] the system alerted as a huge white screen appeared before Eva, and on it were two little girls displayed on it.

“Diamonds are humans?” Eva questioned since when she stared at the screen there were two human girls on it.

One had smooth beautiful dark brown skin with red hair and light big blue eyes, while the other had pale blue hair with lovely fair skin and pale blue eyes. They both looked alike. If not for their skin and hair color it would be hard to tell the difference between the two of them.

[ Not really they mostly take on the form they prefer ] the system explained, answering her previous question.

“So what are their names then?” Eva asked.

[ Aurianna and Leila ]

“So what should I do as a Pearl?” Eva sighed, still confused about her role in all of this.

[ As a Pearl you must help your Diamond in their awakening and guiding them to becoming the strongest being in the universe. ]

Eva tilted her head, “Well that’s a little too vague if you ask me.”

[ They need to experience a very traumatic situation or something to trigger them for their awakening.]

“But it’s strange I don’t understand why their Diamond energy is so faint.” Eva muttered as she could barely feel the resonance between a Pearl and their Diamond.

[ System has come to a conclusion that their gems have been restricted by a powerful seal, so unlocking their full potential would take a very long time. ]


“A powerful seal? I wonder who would be strong enough to seal a Diamond and their motives for doing this,” Eva squinted with a frown on her face, since the task given to her was more complicated than expected.

“I would like to know the capabilities of the system then,” Eva said to the void.

“But first off, how were you created?” Eva asked.

[ System is unaware of its creator. I only became active due to the one of the top 3 Diamonds rebirth. ] the system answered straight forward.

“Top 3? and who are they?” Eva asked. She clearly had some ideas about Diamonds but not enough to know names let alone the hierarchy.

[ System is unsure, but it might be related to the Black, Gold or Purple Diamond. The system operates differently for every Diamond’s Pearl. For example, some information you receive will be altered to benefit to the specific Diamond your aligned with, just how another would be with theirs. ]

“Hmm.” She looked down for a moment deep in thought. ‘Does that mean there are other Pearls out there? I wonder if they’d be allies or enemies depending.’

“So basically there could be a more powerful Pearl than me huh,” Eva mumbled as she sat on a floating chair in her space.

She sat in silence for a moment as the system stayed silent. She smirked, slightly excited for the possibility of meeting those like her. But then again there was no guarantee they would be on her side, plus their objective could go against hers.

She tried shaking the thought away however, choosing to gain more info, “What are the normal requirements to become a Pearl?”


[ Requirements are meant to meet Diamond’s preferences. For example, you prefer those with darker histories since you dealt with the same during your life. ]

“I guess that would make sense. So what are you capable of then?”

[ This system is designed in a way to monitor all the growth of the Diamonds and help Pearls provide reasonable Quest and task for Diamonds to do. ]

“You can monitor the other Diamonds?”

[ Yes system can monitor all 13 Diamonds.

[ System is displaying Diamond level rankings ]


[ Diamond Ranking

  1. ?????: level 70: Gilgamesh
  2. ?????: level 48: Iris
  3. ?????: level 45: Ciel
  4. ?????: level 42: Adam
  5. ?????: level 38:  Huns
  6. ?????: Level 26: Keira
  7. ?????: Level 23: Polyra
  8. ?????: level 16: Jake
  9. ?????: level: 12: Kazuki
  10. ????: level 9: Yuli
  11. ?????: level 0: Leila
  12. ?????: Level 0: Aurianna ]

“Why are there only 12 and their Diamonds aren’t displayed?” Eva asked, slightly bothered.


[ System can’t reveal such information ]


‘The one’s on top must be high level Diamonds,’ Eva concluded.

“I need more information on these Diamonds; System, can I request the history of the Diamonds?”

[ Unfortunately you can’t. Information can’t be given out yet, but the system can give you a jist of the current situation of the Diamonds. Diamonds are currently being hunted by the Regals and must be protected at all cost ]

“Well I  guess I should avoid the Regals for the meantime.”

“System, when would I be able to leave here and meet my Diamonds?” Eva asked as she looked at several images of Aurianna and Leila displayed before her.

[ You can meet them once Diamonds have been given the right to summon you ]

“I guess that’s where I end my question session for today,” Eva said as she yawned. She walked towards her room where a neatly laid bed was that looked comfy. She immediately took a shower in the bathroom even though she didn’t need one since gods like her could automatically clean themselves with just a thought.

Once Eva was done bathing she wore her night gown and jumped onto the bed, bouncing a couple times upon impact.

“So soft,” Eva said, releasing a cute squeal. Even though she didn’t need sleep to function normally, she still wanted to try since she had been unable to sleep for over 2000 years.

“I can’t wait to meet my Diamond,” Eva mumbled before she drifted off to sleep.

During the following years of being in the void, Eva learnt much from the system like how to set quests and tasks, as well as information about Aurianna and Leila’s worlds. The different cultures and races. But what she loved most was their food.

As a goddess deprived of good food for thousands of years, she wanted to explore the various types of foods from these worlds and devour them. In order to get the food she’d ask the system to create some for her and it would appear right before her.


One day as Eva was busy playing some video games while lazily sitting on the couch, she was disrupted by the notification before her.

[ Leila can reach the requirement to summon you, you can now appear before her. ]

“Leila? That’s not a surprise.” Eva said casually. During these years she had been also monitoring the lives of Aurianna and Leila. Aurianna’s life was full of bliss and happiness, or so she taught and Leila had suffered many painful moments to reach where she was now.

Eva’s tracksuit transformed into a beautiful gown as she dispersed from the void and reappeared where Leila was. She felt more comfortable in her tracksuit but decided to get dressed so she could appear more grand.

Before Eva was Leila who appeared as a young 13 year old girl despite her being 21. Leila was devouring a huge beast as dark blood covered her from head to toe. And all over the land around her were bodies of dead humans who were being eaten by flames.

Leila turned to see Eva, who suddenly appeared before her confused by the appearance of this strange yet beautiful woman.

‘Is she with the humans?’ Leila wondered as she looked at Eva suspiciously.

Just as Eva started to give her greetings, Leila dashed towards her with her hand raised in the air and to Eva’s surprise a sword was in it. Eva was so surprised that she didn’t have time to dodge, she was too confused on Leila’s reason for attack. However, as Leila swung forcefully, the sword simply smacked into her face before shattering.

Leila trembled once seeing her demon sword shattering without Eva so much as budging. She gritted her teeth as she glared, frustrated at Eva before jumping a few meters back. She watched her warily.

“You know you’re so fucking rude? Like seriously, you didn’t even let me introduce myself before you attacked me!!” Leila flinched at the pressure Eva exuded while yelling at her.

‘But she’s not wrong though. I would have attacked too if I was in her place. Since she’s in a war, anyone is the enemy,’ Eva thought as she looked at Leila.

“I’m not an enemy but rather your Pearl Eva, It’s a pleasure to meet you White Diamond Leila,” Eva greeted as she looked at Leila.

“I don’t care about this Diamond bullshit now, I’ll think about it later,” Liela shrugged nonchalantly as she turned her head away.



[ Aurianna is in danger! You have been granted permission to save her ] the system alerted in a worried tone.

“It seems something has come up master Leila, so I have to go,” Eva said quickly before she disappeared as appeared to see Aurianna being burnt alive.

“Pfft,” Eva laughed slightly as she looked at Aurianna before reversing time.

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