Chapter Seventeen



“I’m going to kill the fucker when I find him,” Oscar growls. He sifts through the papers in front of him vigorously and almost rips through the thin sheets. Through his anger, I can see blue claws pushing from under his fingertips. Fury doesn’t even begin to describe his mood at the moment, but I’m not sure if I can describe it at all. My mind is equally as numb as his is, except Oscar is full of anger; I’m suffocated by disbelief.

“Maybe we should take a break?” I suggest a little weakly. “We’ve been at this for hours, Oscar. If we just stay here, It will only upset you more.”

“What upsets me is that my mother was killed meaninglessly!” Oscar practically roars and slams the papers on the table. The thud ripples through the wobbly wooden legs of the small bench and into the ground, creating a wave with the beige carpet. At least, I think it’s beige. Delia says it looks more like a cream color, and Jackson doesn’t care. Adonis and I have been arguing about the color for weeks and it’s the only thing that distracts me from all the deaths and parts of my heart that have been chipped off.


Bleak colors, but colors nonetheless. Oscar’s bare toe digs into the rough surface of the floor cover as he continues to look through the papers that Hailey left for him. Amanda and Darcy were supposed to be here too, but the only things left for them were small plots of land and a few pieces of jewelry. I assume they weren’t too happy about that, based on the way that they stormed out of the house moments ago. I, on the other hand, would have loved it if my parents left me anything. Maybe they did. Who knows? The will was never given to me anyway.

“She wrote such a long will,” Oscar says. He pushes the stack of clipped papers towards me. “There are so many things that belonged to her, or rather, Banastre.” He shakes his head. “Mom was what I liked to call a packrat. She kept everything, from the tiniest bottle cap to Darcy and Amanda’s baby clothes.” He frowned. “Oddly enough, I can’t recall them ever wearing those clothes, but I was too young anyway. I can’t expect myself to remember.” His laugh is a mix of amusement and pain.

“Alpha Banastre used to make me clean out her boxes,” I remember with an odd fond sensation that wells up in my chest. “When she found out I was on my own cleaning in the attic, she’d come upstairs and help me look through the memories stored there.”

“You mean all the ridiculous baby napkins and never-used diapers that she kept,” Oscar scoffs, but there’s a ghost of a smile on his lips. Successfully, I’ve made him happy, even just a little.

“I thought they were cute,” I say with a smirk.

Oscar groans. “Oh, don’t remind me,” he sighs. “They were embarrassing. Every time I brought a girl over, that’s always what Mom showed first.” He purses his lips. “Now I won’t have anyone to embarrass me in front of girls anymore.”

I bite my lip, then lean over the table and pat his arm. “I’ll embarrass you if you want.” I grin. “That is, if you’ve found a girl to settle down with, finally?”

Oscar sighs again. “No, not yet,” he says. “With me becoming Alpha and Jackson rising my rank, it’s become quite difficult to find some time for myself, but I’m trying.” He puts some of the papers back in the box next to him. “I met this girl a few days ago. I’m considering asking her out.”

“You should!” I gleefully leap up. “If you like her, then go for it!”

Oscar’s eyebrows raise in amusement. “I didn’t realize that you wanted to get rid of me so quickly,” he teases.

I blush. “I’m your friend,” I grumble. “I want you to be happy too.”

Oscar laughs. “I know.” His eyes soften. “One day, I will, just like you.”

My cheeks burn harder. “You’re right,” I agree. “One day, hopefully soon.”

“How’s it going in here?” Jackson strides into the room. Dressed in a pair of bleached jeans and loose shirt, he looks like he’s ready to enjoy a relaxing Sunday, but the day is anything but relaxing. I know he’s been in meetings all day, discussing the recent attacks and the plans to try and find the murderer. Whoever has been on this killing spree has been smart. They’ve left nothing behind, and because of the recent festivities due to my arrival, the tools that they usually have to investigate had been locked away in an out-of-state storage unit.

“Fine, just going over Hailey’s will,” I say. Jackson kneels between Oscar and I and wraps his arm around my shoulder. He kisses me quickly, but there’s a deep wanting behind his longing lips. His mouth lingers on mine, like when one just realizes how sweet and juicy a strawberry can really taste.

“That’s good. Have you found anything yet?”

“Most of the items Mom had were split between myself and my sisters,” Oscar answers. “There’s nothing left for my dad – er – Banastre.”

“I would assume that to be quite obvious,” Jackson mutters. I jab my elbow in his shoulder and he masks his exclamation with a chuckle.

“I was wondering.” I tap my chin. “Do you think Alpha Banastre could be behind the killing sprees?”

“Banastre?” Both Oscar and Jackson ask simultaneously. They glance at each other and grimace.

“I’m not sure,” Jackson says first. “Maybe for Hailey’s death, but he wouldn’t know about Han-Seok or Helene or Hanako. He’s never been to my pack long enough to know everyone.”

“Besides, Dad wasn’t that insane,” Oscar adds. “He was abusive and violent at times, sure, but to go as far as to kill his own mate? Mates can’t do that. Physically, they can’t. It would destroy them – like a stake through the heart.”

“If Alpha Banastre even had a heart,” I grumble.

“Oh, trust me, he did.” Oscar’s voice sours. “A fucking dark heart, if you ask me.”

“Indeed,” Jackson mutters darkly. He tugs me closer to him and when I glance at his face, I see hesitance dancing in his glimmering eyes. “Ah, Oscar, there’s something that’s happened to your mother. Or rather…her body.”

“What?” Oscar snaps unintentionally. He withers at the realization of his offense, but Jackson doesn’t dwell on his disrespect. Instead, he exhales deeply, his breath laced with fatigue.

“Hailey’s body has disappeared from the morgue,” he says. “We had just finished our meeting and found the guards knocked out by the morgue and Hailey’s body was gone.”

“What?” Oscar stands. His whole body trembles, but it’s his fist that moves the most, as if ready to punch a wall.

“Whoever did this isn’t a human, Oscar,” Jackson tries to placate him, but he’s not very convincing. How can he be, though, to a boy who’s just lost his mother? That’s a stab I know all too well, and it’s not very comforting to hear empty excuses, no matter how genuine the person is trying to sound.

“Jackson,” I put a hand on his arm, hoping he’ll understand what I’m trying to say. Oscar doesn’t give us the time of day, though.

“What kind of effort is this?” He fumes. “My mother is dead, as well as three other innocents, and the culprit is just running free using us as his playground?!” He storms to the door. “We’re goddamn werewolves! King of the Forest! And yet we can’t even solve a simple murder?” His scowl becomes a sneer – a pained, crinkled sneer of a man who’s trying so hard not to be a boy again. “What kind of Alphas are we?” The door slams behind him.

Silence falls on us. Utter, despondent, silence. Both of us don’t seem to know what to say, because we both know that he’s right. What kind of job are we doing if we’re just letting a murderer go free?

“We need to try harder,” Jackson whispers. “Oscar is right. This isn’t fair. Not to him – not to anybody.” He stands, but his stance isn’t as strong as before. There’s a wobble to his knees. There’s a quiver in his gaze. He’s unsure – he’s scared.

“We’re going to get justice for everyone,” I say. I stand up and hug Jackson tightly, burying my face into his shoulder. His body stiffens in my hold, as if he didn’t expect me to hug him, but then his arms wrap around me and his lips press into my hair. “We’ll avenge them. They deserve it. We just need time, that’s all. Maybe a day to recuperate and gather our thoughts?”

“That sounds like a good idea,” Jackson agrees, still basking in my hold. “But I can’t for long. I have to get back to work soon.”

“I know,” I murmur. “I’ve got to check on Oscar too. I just…” I bend my head down, ashamed. “I missed you.”

I feel Jackson smiling. “I missed you too,” he murmurs. He tips my head up gently with his two fingers and his lips press on mine, soft and loving, like the first touch of the spring dew, then desperate and needy, like the greedy rays of the sun prying into my parted lips. His hands dig into my back, pressing me tightly against him. His belt (when was he wearing a belt?) presses into my pelvic area and sends cold shivers through me, like diluted electric shocks. This is new. I don’t think I’ve felt it before, but I like it. It’s…exciting.

“Mm, come.” He sighs as he pulls away, his eyes still closed as he rests his forehead against mine. “Let’s go find Delia and see if we can grab something to eat.” Slowly, his dark gray eyes reveal themselves to me, drunk with passion and lust. “I heard you found a college you liked?”

“I did,” I murmur, my voice hoarse from the exciting kiss. “It’s close by here too. I didn’t want to go too far.”

Jackson frowns. He steps away from me and takes my hand, leading me out of the living room. “Did you like a college elsewhere?” He asks. “This isn’t about me, Anvi, it’s about your future. If you want to go out of state I have no problem with that.”

I laugh. “No, no, that’s not it,” I say. “I just liked the college because it’s small and quaint, you know? I’m not a fan of big things.”

“Really?” He shrugs. “You always struck me as someone who’d fit in quite nicely at parties.”

“Oh, no!” I flush. “Especially not at parties. I tend to just blend in with the crowd. Being around a lot of people isn’t really a favorite pastime of mine.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Jackson says, smiling. “But, you know, being Luna Queen comes with a lot of parties. I don’t want to trouble you, but…”

“No, I know,” I say. “I’m fine with those, as long as they aren’t often.”

“Oh, no!” Jackson shakes his head. “There are a few per year, but not a lot.” He pats my hand. “I’m sure you’ll rock all of them.”

“We’ll see.” I smile and brush some hair out of my eyes. “You know, I just realized that it’s rare for us to get a moment like this.”

“Alone?” Jackson asks. I nod. “You’re right.” He pecks my cheek. “We need to spend some more time together.” He pauses and his cheeks darken. “Um…”

I smirk. “What?”

“Well…would you like to go on a date?” Jackson asks quietly. “Maybe this weekend? A movie and dinner? And maybe ice cream after?” His eyes widen suddenly. “A-At least, only if you want to! I know that maybe you and Bea may be doing something. Or you and Delia, or you and Adonis, or…”

I cut him off by surprising him (and myself) with a quick kiss, having to stand on my tip-toes to reach his Cupid’s-bow lips.

“I’d like that,” I murmur shyly, beaming up at his dazed expression. “Everything, I’d like to do. On one condition.”

“Name it.”

“I get to pick the movie.”

Jackson grins. “Deal.”

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