He is Safer, Not Safe



Jane’s POV

Who are the Salvatores? Wait!!” I walked back inside and as I suspected there was a guy standing there, I barely saw him when I came flying downstairs.

‘Show off!! Is this guy running for Mister world competition or something?! why does he have to look like he is ready for a photoshoot? And why on earth do I always check him out?’

It took only a second for my cheeks to betray me and turn ruddy when I meet his cold yet warm gaze. I returned the glance nonchalantly even though my heart was acting in an opposite state.

This guy had the audacity to raise his brows while eying me up and down with his stoic expression.

I swear I already ripped the smirk out of his face ten times in my head.

Couldn’t help to feel like the air in here congealed around him. Well! He did wear this black crew neck tee that hugged his muscles just enough to cut one’s breath, along with the black ripped Denim and dark Chelsea boots.

This whole soul reaper vibe could even cast doubts upon one’s soul, now I understand why it’s said to hate the sin, but love the sinner… with such sinners I wouldn’t mind…

‘I need to admit myself to a mental hospital’ I made a mental note for having such thoughts…

Reality hit me hard when I finally found out the reason why he was smirking. I forgot about how I was dressed. Without looking back, I stormed into my room.

I stood in front of the mirror attempting to calm myself but it didn’t work, I looked like a homeless soul, I looked down at Jaden’s jersey I’m wearing, it looked like a dress and the large sweatpants didn’t help much.

“Did my hair really look like this a few seconds ago? ” I cried. Why do I always get embarrassed in front of him? Oh Lord, I hate this guy.

“Ailee, I’m about to rip someone’s soul ” I confessed when my best friend picked up.

” Wow, I know you are evil and all, but please can you take it easy just for today? You see is not a very good day. I have like a test tomorrow plus I just got home now, I won’t be able to help you get rid of the body ” I listened to my dramatic best friend. Wonder why we are friends.

” Who and Why? she asked

” This Niklaus guy. he has this attitude thing, and.. aarrgh, he is always giving me that intimidating look, not mentioning his arrogant presence. For some reason, I always embarrass myself when he is around,”

” His existence irritates me ”

“What did this poor soul do to you?” She asked shocked.

” I don’t know, You know when you meet someone and your blood doesn’t match at all? It’s like you unconsciously make that person your eternal enemy. I bet we were probably meant to live on separate planets. Do I make sense to you? ”

” I mean, I was here enjoying my life in my comfy clothes, but he showed up and checked me out and I ran, and now I’m here feeling like a homeless person, my hair is a mess too ” I added.

” Don’t worry, you will survive. Just don’t jump on his neck when you see him. Behave”

“He is safer, just because you asked me to behave ” I smiled

” Good, now that I saved a human being I’m going to take a power nap” She informed sounding exhausted.

” Young lady I said he is safer, not safe babs ” I said smirking.” I have to go, love you cookie ”

” Love you ten times more,” she said before ending the call.

” Now, I need to do something with my image, so I live up to the little dignity that I have left ” I sigh as I looked myself in the mirror.

” Jane?” Dad called as I walked downstairs straight into the living room where the three men were sitting.

” This is my Princess ” he introduced me.

“Just what I need dad, go ahead and make me look childish” I murmured under my breath, my disdain didn’t go unnoticed

A man with white hair and ocean blue eyes stood up. He was old and handsome, his whole figure screamed gentleman, from the gentle expression of his voice to the polite touch of his hand upon mine.

He pulled me into a quick hug that I didn’t bother to refuse.” It’s a pleasure to finally meet you Mr. Salvatore ” I greeted.

“Oh drop the formalities, just call me Charles,” he said then looked back.” This is my son, Niklaus ” he called out to the man that was busy on his phone.

” And I take it that you already meet Nora ” Charles added while his son took his time to stand up.

As he stood up, I found myself looking at his tower-like self. ‘talk about intimidating people just with your height… like why are you even this tall? There is absolutely no reason to be this tall, that is just childish’ I thought annoyed

“Niklaus Salvatore,” he said extending his hand.

” Jane” I mumbled shaking his hand. A wave of electricity ran down my body leaving a burning yet cozy sensation. This man plays with my Immune system.

I tried taking my hand but he stopped me ” Have we met before? ” he asked smirking with no hint of shame on his face. This human being is really trying his luck.

” Not that I remember” I replied rubbing off my hand from his. He should know that it takes two to tango.

” I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me ” I informed dad as I walked out letting out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

We were at the table eating, and Nora just wanted to sit next to me. She did something that made me freeze in place. She snatched the untouched veggies from my plate and ate them, then winked at me.

Her actions stirred buried memories. I went back to the time when you were my partner in crime. It’s weird but I hear you, I hear you laughing while taking my carrots away when mom wasn’t looking. Just for a split second, I forgot you are gone.

The memories were displayed in my head like a song, even after all these years nothing really changed.

You are still resting six feet under, and I still couldn’t find a light, I’m still lost wishing your light was still here to guide me.

I was brought back when Nora called ” Yes princess”


“Can I please have more?” she asked pointing at the chips that were across the table.

She continued snatching my veggies. I looked at her with seeking eyes while Niklaus was across the table scolding us with his killer gaze before returning to whatever conversation they were having.

” Jane, I heard you are doing your last year of Electronic Engineering. Not many women go for such a choice. ” Charles stated.

” I guess I must be a defect among women” I played and they all laughed except Niklaus that looked like he was studying my every move. Are my eyes in the wrong place or has he lost something on my face?

” How is the last year going ?” Charles asked again.

” Well, a few modules that allow me to have more free time than I expected ”

” Part-time modules right?” He asked.

” Yes, but because of that mom won’t stop talking about finding a part-time job, I guess she is tired of seeing me at home ” They all laugh and mom eyed me from the other side of the table.

” What about a job at our company? We pretty much need all the help we can get right now” Charles said earning a big smile from mom.” Do you’ve any experience?

“She worked with me at Debmarine last year during her internship and helped Yolanda in the clinic as an assistant during her holidays” Dad announced proudly.

“But I’m not really looking for something in the electronic industry yet. I’m just looking for something productive ” I informed them while cleaning Nora’s mouth that had sauce all over.

” You guys really did a good job raising her ” Charles mumbled making dad smile proudly.

” Pass by the company tomorrow to give your CV, I guess Yolanda and Derick can give you some recommendation letter and I’ll make sure to add mine as well”

” I’ll do so Mr. Salvatore, and thank you in advance,” I said politely.

” So we are back at the Mr, I see” he murmured.

” Sorry, Charles ” I amended myself.

Working for my Dad’s friend was not really in the plans but anything to keep myself busy right?.

All the way across the kitchen dad got a call and after ending the call he looked at me excited.” Your new baby is here. ”

“Like right now? ” I jogged to the door where I saw a man standing next to my baby in front of our gate.

” Dad, it’s Here! ” I yelled and walked straight to my car. The man handed out a paper to sign and then a bunch of papers to keep and walked away

My Porsche looked so flawless, the while paint screamed clean just the way I liked. I couldn’t help but giggle, I was so in love with it. Everyone came out to see it.

” You need to stop spoiling her like that Derick ” Mom started scolding Dad” She is not a little girl anymore ”

” Love you too mom ” I yelled.

After everyone, except Niklaus, got back inside I carefully parked my car inside. I felt like i was daydreaming, it broke my heart to leave my baby out here.

After building up courage, I made my way towards the entrance still giggling like a kid.

Niklaus blocked the door making me stop and look at him. I was so still in my little bubble his presence didn’t affect me at all, as I was still busy giggling.

For the first time, he melted my walls when he shared his captivating smile making me draw a line with my eyes on the edges of his curved lips in a pleasurable journey. When did he get dimples?

“Congratulations” he said bringing me back to reality.

“Congratulations??? I asked still amazed.

” OH!! Right, the car, yeah thanks ” I tried not sounding awkward.

“Can you like, moveee..” I said emphasizing the last word. ” Well. The thing is, my house is like, right behind you ”

He chuckled then moved so I could pass.

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