Little Details



Jane’s POV


Our neighborhood was delightful and in sync with our lifestyle. We could walk freely without worrying about our safety and be above all friendly.


Our house was fairly sized, made of white and grey granite, the fence was a long black and white diamond-shaped.


As we arrived I stormed into the living room jumping on the couch, my bag on the floor.


“I’m tired ” I let out a breathy sigh.


“You did nothing the whole day”


“Jaden mind your own business ”


“Mom, dad we’re home!” I squealed so loud, I think my neighbors across the street heard me.


“You know they’re not here, right? ” Jaden barked out the critical information walking upstairs.


I knew they were not home, they were never home. I stayed on the couch enjoying the silence.


Jaden came down with some black sweatpants and a blue t-shirt, typing something in his phone.” I’m going over to Nate’s, you wanna come? ”


I looked at him for a second pretending to think about it.” Nah I’m good ”


“You sure you good? ” He asked with a rather long worried face.


“Yes, stop being all cheesy and go, I’m fine ” I instructed.


“Don’t forget to switch on your GPS ” I added. It was something we did when we were not together,


“Got it, you do the same shorty” He reminded me.


“Why would I? Will the house suddenly gain legs and move to Italy J? ” I spout dramatically.


“Just do it okay, see you later. If you need anything call me ” He placed a kiss on my forehead and went towards the door.


“Love you shorty ” I rolled my eyes playfully as I knew he wouldn’t go if I didn’t replay.


“Love you too big guy ” I finally let out and he walked out laughing.


Jaden has always been more sociable and outgoing than me. Sure, I had a few friends, but he was more popular and I was just an awkward shy person that hated being the center of attention. Therefore, I avoided all situations that would lead to it.


So, apart from my twin, I’ve three best friends, Ailee, Annabelle, and Luke. We’ve known each other since 6th grade, Annabelle was a year younger than us and one grade below ours. I met Ailee first, we were very close, I can say that I was closer to her than the others.


Back in primary people used to call us aliens, because we were mixed-raced. Ailee was Asian-American, Luke was South African, Annabelle was Namibian. Jaden and I, you could call us Afro-American because our parents honored us with an uncommon combination but I prefer Angolan-American. I know it sounds different, weird.


We spent most of our time together. There were also times when Annabelle would go on about marrying my twin, Jaden hated it so much that he even cried once because she wouldn’t leave him alone.


I grabbed my bag and stormed upstairs to my room where I was welcomed by the wooden smell of my furniture. My room was all white. It’s my relaxing color


I tossed my bag on the desk and moved on to my favorite spot. It was a bay window, having a small mattress and few pillows of different shades. From here I could see the neighbor’s back yard, behind it a woodland of different trees and a mountain that if I closed an eye I could cover the mountain top with my thumb.


Jaden was always here, I still don’t know whether it was because he craved my company or because he didn’t have one in his room. We would sit back to back, either talking about everything or nothing in particular, and fall asleep in the process.


After grabbing my phone, I took a pillow and tried to make it comfortable behind me wishing Jaden was here.


“Hey wifey” She greeted when the call went through.


“Hey, my Asian cookie, what is new?”


” I’m in a war zone. It has been over an hour that dad is arguing with mom over where we should go for holidays ” I heard a door opening in the background.


“What are the options? ” I realized that we didn’t plan anything for this holiday yet.


“It’s either South Korea or Spain, I would prefer Spain but is not like my opinion has a room in this non-democratic house ”


“Life is not fair. Look at me, I even had to share a placenta with Jaden ”


She laughed for a while then suddenly screamed in Korean. “Get out of my room Jimin ”


Luckily, we agreed for Ailee to learn Portuguese and I Korean. It helped us understand more about each other, plus it was handful because whenever she got really angry she spoke Korean. I don’t think she did it consciously though.


I heard a sound, I think her nine-year-old brother Jimin was jumping on her bed.


“Leave him alone ” I replied in Korean while trying not to laugh harder.


“Whatever Jane. Are you ready for tomorrow, I mean is our last day as high school learners”


“Is no big deal, plus J and I already have everything planned for college, and you know it ”


“Unfortunately I do, you made me memorize the whole thing. You’ll do medicine to become a cute doctor and our hot Jaden will go for electronic engineering ”


I smiled. ‘She knows me so well’


“And you still not sure whether you want to go for law or journalism right ?” I shook my head thinking about it.


“Well, for your information I only have one brain and it’s normal for an almost-to-be-adult like myself to be confused, unlike you that have yours and J’s hot-sexy brain to figure things out ”


” Eww, so you think my twin is hot and sexy? ”


“You’re the only one who doesn’t know that. The whole school thinks so, you just in your little bubble wifey ”


I did know that he caught a lot of attention, not only because he was tall with an athletic body but because Annabelle never stopped mumbling about how he had a spotless face, dark curly fuzzy hair, and green eyes that made him look innocent and sexy, all that according to her standards.


She would always whimper about his red bottom full lips and killer dimples that showed up when he angelically smiled. Talk about exaggeration right? He didn’t make it better as sometimes he acted like Mr. sympathy.


“We’ve seventeen days till your birthday wifey,” She said way too excited.


“Are you really counting it?” I asked taking a deep breath.


“I was planning on _ ” She was cut by her mother calling her. “I’ve to go now, see you tomorrow wifey ”


“Bye ”


I head downstairs straight to the kitchen, kidnapped some snacks and I was back in my room. I changed into silk red shorts and a long sleeve black crop top.


With the speaker incredibly loud a swung back to my seat with the rhythm of Naked by James Arthur and started devouring my snacks.


I didn’t realize Jaden was back till he walked toward me and my soul jumped through the window.


“What the hell J!?” My lungs took ragged breaths as I barked sharps yelps.


“Sorry ”


I could see the weight in his walk, he laid on the bed staring sightlessly at the ceiling.


“Hey, twin what’s up ?” Knowing him he will probably be here the whole day so he might as well just start talking.


“Mia is at it again ”


Mia, “THE” girlfriend. A tall girl with brown straight hair, a curvy body, and big brownish eyes that can be mistaken for black.


They’ve been together for a year and a few months. Lately, they just argued over Jaden going to NUST a college we chose, while she was going to a different one. Of course, she expected him to follow her.


She even accused me of forcing him to go to NUST so I wouldn’t be a loner. From there, one can already guess the type of awkward relationship I had with her.


I was pulled out of my thoughts when he finally whispered.” Why can’t she just understand that I want her in my life, attending different colleges doesn’t change a thing ”


“Come here ” I called patting my lap.


He came to me resting his head on my lap. I gently stroke his hair soothing it as he closed his eyes.


I don’t hate Mia at all, is just the way she made him feel every time they argued. I wish I could do something, but it was not my place to interfere in their relationship.


“She is just afraid to lose you big guy ” I finally let out something that might sound convincing.” Maybe the idea of being a little far from you gives her some sort of insecurity ”


He opened his eyes watching me with a fixed expression. “All women have one of those, I guess! Remember in 6th grade when we were placed in a separate classroom?”


” You cried the whole day, saying I would spend more time with the other kids and I wouldn’t want to be your twin anymore ” He mocked smiling.


I poked his shoulders.” I was a kid okay? My point is, that maybe this whole situation is freaking her out. Arguing may not be the best way to approach it, but I think she is just trying to show that she cares enough to worry about being far from you. ”


He scratched my cheeks. “When did you grow up so much? ”


“While you were busy being a jerk I was busy maturing,” I teased and a familiar reaction gave birth to his dimples.


After sitting back to back, Jaden chose our favorite song ‘ Youngblood by 5 seconds of summer ‘. We did argue here and there while sharing the ice cream. But before we could finish our argument, a short tanned peaches-and-creamy glowing skin woman made us aware of her presence.


She owned brown eyes and a slightly thick curvy body. Her oval face and thick full dark hair just like mine, that she trapped in a messy bun made her look younger than her actual age.


“Mom, could you please tell your son to behave like a gentleman? ” I pleaded.


“Aren’t you guys too old for this?” She asked kissing us both while giving us a knowing look.


Mom once said that she went to a doctor because of our habit of sitting back to back everywhere, and obviously, there was nothing wrong. So, she assumed that maybe this was how we were positioned in her womb. Unbelievable.


We didn’t have to ask how her day was, the cloud of weariness that pulled mom’s features down said it all.


Mom was a Doctor and owned a private clinic that focused on three fields, dermatology, gynecology, and cardiology. So most of her time she was either at her clinic or some hospital performing some surgery.


“Dinner will be ready in five ” She explained making her way out. ” Wash your hands and come down to eat Okay? ”


“Yes, ma’am ” We both recited in unison.


“Jaden, why don’t you move your bed to your sister’s room? It seems that you’re not used to sleeping in your own room” She mocked turning back.


I couldn’t laugh, his warning stares were nothing but hostile.


“Maybe I should make your room a new study room ” She added walking out.


“Mom, really?” He said looking back at me while I tried to stop myself from laughing.


“Don’t you dare say a word? ” He gave me a serious glare that lasted for a second, making me smile.


” I wouldn’t dare. Let’s go eat “

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