The World Needs More Smiles Than Tears



Jane’s POV

Floating in the middle of the ocean one should fight to reach land but all I did was stay still hoping that the level of danger would magnetize you to me. Every reason I’d to keep you close was no longer valid, I don’t recall a time were breathing come easily, but I never felt so alive even though the scenario contradicted itself.

My tree lost its leave only to realize you were the reason why it had them in the first place, and now the same fire that burns my existence away is the one that keeps me sane. how can one feel at ease and be tormented by the same? I exhausted my chances to reach my destination because you were my home Jaden.

There you are so close yet far, I caress your angelic face wishing I’d done it million times when I had the chance. So I ask you to stay even though I hold the answer…so I keep on drowning.

” Don’t leave… don’t  ” I bit back a scream when I realized it was just a nightmare, didn’t want mom to come flying again.

Just like that, I act like it never happened like I didn’t just lose you for the millionth time and I’m not devastated because wishing that you were here fills me with remarkable rage causing this bewildering pain that I can’t endure.

On days like this I wish I could cry, but to grieve means I need to accept that you are no more and a part of me needs to believe otherwise, is the one thing that keeps me breathing.

When I checked the alarm I realized it is too early to be awake. Sliding in the shower I feel myself relaxing as the water found its way to my body. I sank at the moment shutting my eyes dead allowing my mind to consume the calmness of the water as his green eyes were portrayed in my mind.

“It’s not about you breaking your promises Jaden. You broke me ”

To complete my routine I put up my shield to hide my sorrow, as if I’m not being crushed inside, broken inside and out, yet I smile because I’m not the only one who suffers. The world needs more smiles than tears.

When it was time, I was out of the house. Passed by the coffee shop near the company and grabbed a creamy latte and an expresso.

Stepping inside the building, I’d few eyes on me making me feel so damn uncomfortable. “Too much attention” my inside screamed. “please keep your eyes busy” I prayed.

“Good morning Sarah. Here is an expresso” I told her entering her office, I notice the expresso she had yesterday so I thought it was good bribery.

“Thanks. You come in early! ” Moving her attention to me she affirmed with a satisfied smile.

” My anxiety got the best of me I guess ” I meekly smiled

” Let me give you a rapid tour, shall we? I suggest you take a pen and agenda along” she proposed standing up.

She showed a mini kitchen.” Here is where we make drinks for the guest and ourselves as well as anything to eat, if you don’t want to go to the cafeteria ”

” Mr. Salvatore drinks his black coffee with no sugar twice a day, at 7:30, and at 12:30, it should be on his desk at those specific times,” she said and I wrote them down.

Then we moved to the conference room.” Most of the meetings happen here, you’re expected to get the room ready before each meeting, by assigning each place with the necessary materials, some times you’ll be attending the meetings at the other two buildings as well”

I was still captivated by how elegant this room was. ” I love this room ” I confessed as I looked at the golden room that screamed elegance, from the long table each seat provided with a notebook, to the delicate chandelier descending resembling a spider.

” Let me know if you still think the same after the first meeting”. I didn’t believe her, who would hate such a place.” Now let’s go to your office ”

“I’ve got an office ?” Wow, I didn’t expect so much.

My office was directly in front of Mr. Salvatore’s. It was cozy with a grey desk, a great view, and a small couch in the corner, I like it!

” This laptop and the notepad already contain the company files, contacts, and everything else you’ll need, Mr. Salvatore’s schedule included ” Sarah explained showing everything on my desk along with a few papers.

” As you should know by now the company deals with stocks, we basically hold other companies’ upstanding stocks and help reduction of risks and secure the stock of our customers as well as rewarding investors with increased share prices of their stock.”

” With that being said you’ll have a load of files to go through, today I’ll be helping you with some responsibilities like the meetings until you’re used to it. Here ” She handed out a black Bluetooth earpiece. ” it will make your life easier ”

Early in the morning and my brain was bursting with knowledge. I wonder if it was even legal.

“Lastly, I analyzed your timetable and I’ll cover for you during the time you’ll have classes. you’ll be following Mr. Salvatore to outside meetings and when traveling as well”

” There are specific days that Mr. Salvatore does not come to the company early or doesn’t come at all. During these days he will notify you ahead, you’ll go straight to his house to handle whatever work you’ve for that day and take care of his schedule then come here if required. ” she finished and I frowned.

” Do you’ve any questions? ” Sarah asked concerned. ” Was that too much information? ”

” No, I think I’ll manage just trying to adapt ” I tried not to preoccupy her.

“Okay Mr. Salvatore will be here any minute now, he will give you some instructions, and please make sure his black coffee is on his desk on time okay? ”

” Okay. I’m ready for It ” I snapped encouraging myself.

Sarah was about to leave then looked back. ” yesterday I forgot to tell you, Mr. Charles is not My boss, when I said Mr. Salvatore I meant Niklaus Salvatore darling ” she declared then walked away and I felt as if my heart popped out of my chest.

What? How? why? For what? No, no, no. Memories of how I treated him yesterday hit me. I can’t work for him he probably hates me by now!

What the hell is my guardian angel busy with, to let me go through this? I thought to myself making my way to the restroom. I made the black coffee, and a million methods of how to apologize were swimming in my mind.

” He probably forgot about yesterday right? ” Not paying attention I glanced at the watch and I was 2 minutes late. Shit!! now I’ll certainly be fired on my first day. I walked as fast as I could with the coffee in my hand. I knocked twice before a voice with a deep British accent told me to get in.

His office was graceful and big, I bet a family could live here, didn’t have time to explore the design, because I was trying to place the coffee on his desk and make as little noise as possible.

He was standing near the window talking on the phone his back facing me and I just stood there not knowing what to do next, and questioned myself why was I shaking?

Not bothering to look at me he ended the call and I heard his British accent making every word meaningful ” Ms. Walker, you’re late” he began his voice steady and calm.

Two damn minutes.” I’m sorry, Mr. Salvatore it won’t ever happen again. ” and now I’m being all formal.

” I assume Sarah already explained the basics, so let’s not waste my precious time. I expect you to follow a few rules”

He really should consider changing careers, although his authority figure was standing in front of me intensely intimidating, he still looked like he came out of Vogue magazine.

” I expect you to always be on time, although you’ve proved incapable of doing so ” I suddenly felt mortified as he mumbled typing on his phone.

” You’ll be my eyes, ear, and legs so mistakes will not be part of your dictionary, you should know I don’t believe in second chances ”

” Pick up my calls in the first two minutes, I don’t appreciate calling twice, and make sure to always be available no matter the place or time”

What did I get myself into, I didn’t know whether I was really his assistant or part of the army.

” Keep a spare cloth in your office, you’ll need it. Sometimes we will be working overtime so be ready” will I? Does he know this is a part-time job?

” Don’t ever talk about personal matters, your opinion is useless in here so it will be productive if you keep it for yourself ” I tried catching up with whatever he said most of the time wanting to object but as he said I should keep my opinions to myself.

” That is all, inform Sarah to come in on your way out,” he said but my brain was still processing all that information.

” Ms. Walker, I don’t appreciate repeating myself” he mumbled bringing me back to reality.

” Yes, I’ll be on my way ” I walked out of his office and let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Will I survive this, I need to graduate as fast as possible so I can find a smooth job. Now, why didn’t he look at me not even once?

” Sarah, Mr. Salvatore wants to see you” I informed.

She gave a quick peek before going back to the papers she was arranging ” How was it? ”

” I think he hates me” I groaned making her laugh.

” He sure doesn’t. In fact, I think he likes you”

“If he acts like that when he likes someone, I pity those he hates”

” I’m serious, in all the years I’ve been working with him you’re the first PA he made sure to inform about the rules himself, I always do it for him.”

“Maybe he is just getting revenge for my attitude yesterday” I whispered.

” So here are the things I need you to do while I attend a few meetings. Some of these departments are in the other buildings but I already have someone to help you ” she said handing out the files.

“who will help me? ”

” Mike, he is from the human resources, also a good friend he is kind off free today so, I asked him to help you around ”

” Thanks, I appreciate it”.

” Okay, now I’ve to go, here is Mike’s number,” she said then walked away.

” Let the struggle begin! ”

The day was all about running around to different departments submitting some contracts and taking others as well as new proposals. Luckily I’d Mike on the line helping me around

I didn’t meet him yet but he is already my favorite person. Going up and down made me regret letting Annabelle choose these heal because when I was done I crawled back to my office.

After deciding that my body needed some energy to make it through the day I went to the cafeteria.

” Hey, over here ” I heard a guy on one of the tables calling.

He stood up and was now coming towards me. He had dark hair, and creamy completion he was smiling all the way, when he reached me I noticed that he was almost as tall as Niklaus. What’s up with tall people these days??

” Jane right?” he asked, after thinking about it I nodded yes.

” My name is Mike, we talked on the phone earlier ” I informed.

” Oh!! I’m so sorry, I’d no idea, and thanks you saved a life ” I mumbled.

” All cool, wanna have lunch together,” he said gesturing at the empty table he was sitting on.

“Sure ” I grabbed whatever food I saw and followed him.

Mike works here for two years now, so he naturally knew more about the company than I did. He gave me a resume of the do’s and don’t’s of the company.

His little brother works here as well, he described him as extra. I wonder what he meant by that? He said I was bound to meet him because he is forever hovering around Sarah. After finishing my meal I told Mike how pleasant it was to personally meet him and then said my goodbyes.

After reaching my office I decided to make myself hot milk, what a baby!! Then Sarah informed me that I would have to attend two meetings with Mr. Salvatore because she had some issues to take care of.

The first meeting was in thirty minutes from now. After she informed me of what it was all about and what I’d to do, I left my milk untouched and carried out her instructions.

After getting the room ready I went back to my milk waiting before going back to the conference room.

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