Vol. 1 Ch. 6



Phize and Vhint are outside to go to the interview.

“Father, are we going to the interview?”

“Yes, son.”

“Hm. That’s the first time he ever called me son. Something’s up,” arousing suspicion from his thoughts.

Vhint’s hand shivers.

“His hand…” he thought.

“You don’t need to be nervous, father.”

“Oh… you caught me. You’re right. WHAT SHOULD I BE NERVOUS ABOUT? My son can take care of himself, speak full sentences, count, and even perform magic,” he says with a forced laugh at the end.

He pats Phize’s head.

“Now, if YOU are nervous, don’t worry. Just cling on to daddy.”

“Sure thing dad.”

“Normally, one would think this is cheesy. Heck, even my past 20-year old would think that way. But, looking back, I forgot the sensation of being loved by my parents, and as I am currently a 5-year old, I have no shame in being pampered by even the cheesiest of words,” he thought.

They arrive near a big blue-and-white themed building that somehow resembles a school.

“This is the school. Are you ready bud?” he asks in preparation.

They go inside the building but two guards stop them from going inside further.

“Stop right there,” the first guard says.

Vhint and Phize stop walking.

“Are both of you here for the interview?” the second guard asks.

Vhint faces the guard.

“Ah, yes yes. Can either one of you tell us where it starts?”

“Appraisal,” the first guard chants.

A magic circle comes out from the guard’s left hand.

“All good,” the first guard declares.

“Stay there,” the second guard instructs them.

A magical circle appears from the first guard’s left hand while one appears from the second guard’s right hand.

Both guards shout, “TELEPORTATION MAGIC!”

All of them appear in a room.

“This room reminds me of a principal’s office,” Phize thought.

Both guards shout, “BACK!”

Both of the guards disappeared without a trace.

The room is filled with bookshelves filled with books and there is a wooden polished table in the middle of a room with a metal chair behind it.

In the chair, a man sits.

“So, what’s your name? I’m the principal of this school, Eauvis Monsoor, I personally decide for myself who in this school gets in,” the man asks.

“Uhhh,” Phize thought not knowing what to say.

“You may sit down on the chairs behind you,” Eauvis points toward some chairs behind them.

Both Vhint and Phize look behind to see the chairs.

They both sit down.

He points to Vhint, “What’s your name?”

“Uhm, my name is Vhint Valestin Drestil. And here is…”

“He shall introduce himself,” Eauvis interrupts Vhint’s speaking.

“My name is Phize Gratham Drestil. I am 5 years old. I can chant magic. Oh, and I can count from 1 to 1 million.”

“Ok, then start counting.”





“I counted up to 2. You never said when to end.”

Vhint shivers in fear.

“I’m having so much fun, I JUST CAN’T STOP AHAHAHHAHHA,” he thought to himself as he lets out his childish self.

“Cheeky boy. Now, you said you can chant magic?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Show me some.”

A magic circle forms around his right hand.


Water shoots to Eauvis’ face.

“Being a child is so fun,” he thought to himself.


No drop of water hit Eauvis’ face and instead hits the two potted plants, one from each side, which was beside him.

“Well, that’s it. You’re in. I was planning to ask more questions but this boy already answered them for me. But you could at least teach him a lesson about respecting his seniors. GUARDS!”

Eauvis claps in an attempt to call the two guards and they both appear.

“Escort them outside the premises.”

“Stand up and stay still,” both of the guards instructed.

“Oh, before you two go, school starts in a month. Make sure to be there. I expect great things from you, Phize Drestil.”

Both of the guards chant, “TELEPORTATION!”

The four of them are all teleported back to the entrance.

“Congratulations!” the first guard says with a smiling face.

“See you in a month,” the second guard says.

“See you!”

“Wow, that was a very fun experience. Wait, daddy has been very silent, why is th-,” he thought.

He looks at Vhint.

“DAD?!” Phize says in shock.

“WHAT HAPPENED?! HE LOOKS SO DRAINED,” he worried thought.


“Let’s go home…”

Both of them arrived back at their home.

“MOM! WE’RE HOME!,” Phize proclaimed.

“MY BOY!” Lexia cheerfully shouts in response.

They both approach and embrace each other.

She looks at Vhint who is somewhat drained of energy.

“What’s wrong darling?”

“My heart… it can’t stop pounding.”


“What? No. I just couldn’t speak from the tension in the atmosphere during the interview. And I’m so glad that he got in. But Phize, don’t do that ever again ok?” he lectures.

“‘KAAAY!” he answers with a mischievous tone.

“Hm? What do you mean? What happened?”


The family had a meeting after that but Phize did not regret his actions, not one bit.



A month has passed.

“I’m heading out!” Phize says to his mother.

“Wait, don’t forget your lunch!”

Lexia’s stomach has increased in size from last month.

She gives him a lunch box made out of wood, covered with a towel at the top.

“Oh, thanks, mom!”

Phize wears a blue and white striped uniform with indigo-colored pants.

“I can’t believe my little son is going to school.”

She lets out a tear.

“Come here.”

She kisses Phize’s cheek and then lets him go.

“I’m out!” he excitedly says as he prepares to leave for school.

“Let your father accompany you on the way okay?”

Phize goes out and sees his father waiting.

“WOAAAAAHOAAAAAAH! You look like fine wine there, little man. Are you ready for school?” Vhint asks in preparation.

“Yes, dad!”

“Let’s go then.”

They both wall, and after a few minutes of walking.

They are near the vicinity of the school. Many students are coming to the school.

They approach the entranceway.

“So I’m going to school for a second time. I guess I’ll flex a bit of my past knowledge, after all, I finished school already. At least from a certain point,” he thought.

He smirks mischievously.

“Well, off you go.”

Phize goes inside the school grounds.



And thus, my first day of school, BEGINS!


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