Vol. 2 Ch. 2



“Well at least that is what I would like to say. Would you all like to introduce yourselves or no? You don’t need to if you’re shy. Just come up here if you want to,” she proclaims.

A guy two seats in front of Phize raises his hand.

“Yes? Do you wanna introduce yourself?”

“Gladly. My name is Drist P. Aaham, I’m 6 years old and I can do magic!” the guy announces.

“Um, is there anything you want to add to your introduction?” she asks.


He sits down.

“Now, this guy acts a bit more like a child, that brings me a bit of comfort, I guess,” he thought.

An awkward presence spreads throughout the classroom with no one brave enough to take the first step.


“I guess that’s it for now. Now regarding our subjects.”

She chants, “ILLUSION POINT!”

A magic circle appears from her right hand. She starts writing words on the whiteboard.

“Do they not have any markers in this world?” he grumbled in his thought.

She finishes writing.

“SO FAST!” he thought, being astounded.

Hasha: This will be our schedule for the whole school year so get ready to take notes.

Tables are formed and time slots are written, with subjects such as Magic Languages, Combat Practice, etc.

“SO DETAILED!” he thought in amazement.

“As of now, the time is…” she looks at the clock above the whiteboard, “…around 8:45 AM. You have 15 minutes left ’till my subject starts.”

She sits down on her chair near her table.

“I guess I should keep track of time from now on,” he thought.

9:00 AM

“HOWLING WIND!” she chants.

She forms a magic circle and faces it to the students.

“It’s time for my subject folks! WAKEY-WAKEY! Now, as you know, the name of our subject is Magic Languages, does anyone know what these mean? Can you perhaps give me a detailed description?” she asks.

A girl to the right of Drist raises her hand.


“Magic Language is the type of language used whenever we chant magic,” she answered.

“Thank you! And your name is?”

“My name is Taya K. Vise, 6 years old, and a daughter of a noble,” she boasted.

“Wow!” she claps, “That’s amazing, now, thank you Taya! You may take your seat.”

“Ok, ma’am,” she sits down with a big smile on her face.

“We have many different Magic Languages, we have the first most basic one…”

She writes on her whiteboard with blue-colored mana.

“Sentence-structured Chants. This is the longest and most practical because almost everyone who can use magic can use this type of magic. Here’s an example… A blessing from above, with this power I blow away our sins, WIND!”

A magic circle appears and wind comes out of her hand.

“WOAH!” everyone said in sync.

“WOAAHH! Though, it’s just wind,” Phize thought in amazement.

“This, however, is a type of language not to be used in combat, it takes too long to activate, but it can deliver the easiest flow of mana within your body. But…”

She writes on the whiteboard with her finger.

“…This is the only chant where you can ask the spirits for help, it’s not entirely useless in combat. If you ask the spirits’ for help, you can reduce the amount of mana you consume and produce the same output. Just be aware, that spirits do not always come to your aid, they have feelings too. NEXT!”

She writes on the whiteboard with her finger.

“Direct Magic. This is a type of magic language which requires the least amount of words, with a very fast output, this is not accessible to all magic-users, since this requires a different form of channeling your magic, and a faster flow too. Here is an example… HEAL!”

Green magic particles come out from her hand.

“Very fast isn’t it? I can cast it out just like that. NEXT!”

She writes on the whiteboard with her finger.

“Ancient Scripture. This is a type of magic that uses ancient language in our long history of magic. It’s just as fast as Direct Magic, albeit, a use of a different language… Poli Hajun!”

She directs her hand to the window which was open. Water comes out of her hand.

“Now, that is the ancient scripture for “create water”. Ancient Scripture is very useful in combat, not only does the enemy have a low chance of understanding the casted spell, it gives them almost no time to attack. Sadly, I only know a few of these words, since they were lost in the Great Fire of the Garet Library back in Year 700. Now onto the last type…”

She writes on the whiteboard with her finger.

“Incantationless Magic. This is the oddest one of all, and only a few gifted people are able to have this, not even years of mastery of some high-class mages throughout our history have been able to acquire this so easily. This type of magic does not require anything to be stated, and it is theorized by the magic researchers, that it only requires the mind to chant the spell. This is the most useful type of Magic Language in combat since it produces the fastest output. We only know so little about it though. And so that’s what I needed to discuss with you for now. Did all of you make sure to gather notes? For our next class, we will talk about the nature of magic and mana.”

12:00 NN

“Amazing. I didn’t know magic had many magic languages. I completely dominated Arithmetic Math, cause of my past knowledge, thank goodness. Now, for lunch…” he thought, trying to decide.

He looks around his surroundings. The students are already gathering and chatting with each other.

“Aren’t they a little too fast to be making friends?” startled in thought.

“What should I do? I want to make friends too.”

“Wait a second. I’m pretty sure someone will approach me soon enough. No need to be hasty,” he thought to himself, acting prideful.

12:15 PM

“Um… No one approached me…” he thought in a depressed state.

“What happened?”

“I ate and finished my delicious lunch early. But why didn’t anyone approach me? Fine. I’ll approach them myself,” he thought.

He tries to stand up.

“I can do it. I’m more than 2 decades old! I should be able to make a couple of friends with a bunch of 5 and 6-year olds,” he thought.

He tries to stand up again but fails.

“Why? Why can’t I stand up?” questioning his own self in mind.


“I’m shaking. Why? Ansgar was my friend, so making a friend shouldn’t be hard right?” he thought.

He tries to stand but he shivered too much, he fell back to his seat.

“U-Uh, I s-should try to s-speak,” he thought, desperately trying to find a solution.

“U-Uh. P-P-Ple-Please…” he tries to speak but stutters instead.

“U-Uh, maybe I should just wait for someone. Yeah, that’s a good thing,” he thought.

12:40 PM

More people chatter around him.

“Why? Why won’t anyone approach me? I have to move!” he thought.

He shivers too much and isn’t able to stand.

“I-I think, I remember now. I never made any friends. Never made one ever. Me and Ansgar were forced to be paired cause we were outcasts. I never knew how to make a friend,” he thought.

Tears come out from his two eyes.


“Why am I crying? Am I seriously crying because I can’t talk with anyone my age? T-That’s pathetic,” he questions himself.

More tears come out of his eyes.

“Dammit. I’m still lonely after all this time,” he thought.

Someone from his left taps his shoulder.


Phize turns around to answer.

“Ah, y-yes?”

He immediately wipes his tears.

“Did she see me cry? I sure hope she didn’t see,” he worries in thought.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you, but how’d you get that scar on your right arm?” she curiously asked.


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