Vol. 2 Ch. 7



A month passes by.

During class…

2:00 PM

He perpends, “It’s been more than a month ever since when I and Pallitra became best friends, and it’s been a few weeks now that I’ve felt something weird about her. I feel fluffy and I feel like I want to hug her every day. I think I know what feeling this may be, but I don’t wanna admit it.”

He calls out, “Pallitra!”

She snores right at the moment he calls out to her.

“She slept again…” he fathoms.

He taps her shoulder to try and wake her up.

“Yo, it’s time to wake up.”

She wakes up.

“Eh? Is it time already?”

“Geez, how are you going to learn anything if you keep sleeping off?”

“Hehe, sorry, I’m sleepy every day,” she sluggishly answers.

“I just noticed, but we’ve been best friends for more than a month but we haven’t visited each other’s houses yet. I should make her visit my house,” he reasons out.

“Pallitra, wanna visit my house?”

“Eh… Are you sure? Your parents won’t get angry?”

“No, no, I’m pretty sure they would be glad to have you over!” he excitedly insists.

“Glad is an understatement,” he thought.

Both of them go down the stairs.

“Come! Come!”

“Wait for me! I’m still tired y’know?”

They both encounter Vhint waiting in front of the entrance.

“PHIZE!!!” Vhint gleefully prepares to embrace Phize.


They run towards each other and give big hugs to each other.

Vhint peers over to Pallitra.

“Is that her? The white-haired girl?” Vhint whispers to Phize’s right ear.

“Yeah, daddy. Oh, dad! I have something to ask.”

“What is it? Are you going to invite her over?”


“I can tell by your expressions, you’re excited aren’t you?”

He turns red from embarrassment and punches his dad in his gut for stating something out in the open.

“OOF!” he holds his stomach with his right hand, “WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!”

“No reason.”

He confronts Pallitra and asks her, “Pallitra, is that your name?”

“Pallitra Strata, sir,” she politely answers.

“No need to call me sir. You can call me Dad.”

“DAD!” he shouts in mind.

“You can come to our house. But it’s not technically a house, more of a room we stay in. Will that be ok with you?”

“Anything is fine with me!”

He turns around to face Phize.

“What an angel. I’m gonna choke with diabetes.”

“Maybe you meant choke with sugar,” he thought.

They all walk towards Phize’s home and after minutes of walking, they finally arrive.

Vhint kicks the door upon arrival.


“U-Uh, pleased to meet you, Phize’s parents! Sorry to intrude,” Pallitra shyly introduces herself.

“Oh, don’t be. Make yourself at home,” Lexia reassures her.

Lexia looks at her son.

“Hm?” he questions in mind as he notices his mother’s calm glare.

She smiles at him with hidden intent.

“MOM!” he shouts subconsciously.

“Mom! Is it okay if I and Pallitra go play outside?”

“Sure thing! But make sure to take care of him, Pallitra! I’m counting on you!”

“Sure thing, Phize’s Mom!” she answers.

“It’s actually the other way around,” he infers.

Lexia looks at her son to relay a message.

She whispers, “Go get her.”

He goes as red as a tomato.

“GEEZ!” he thought.

He grabs Pallitra’s hand and goes opens the door.

“Let’s go play outside, Pallitra!”


Both of them go downstairs, with the creaking of the wood getting weaker with each step.

“MY SON HAS GROWN SO BOLD! I’M SO PROUD!” Vhint broadcasts.

“Looks like we found our future daughter-in-law,” Lexia announces.

The both of them go outside the hotel and continue to walk onwards. They go through some buildings and go to a dark corner within a gap made by two big buildings.


“That’s kinda sad.”

“HEY! I COULDN’T LET OTHER PEOPLE SEE ME! Oh and hey this can surprisingly fit two people in.”

“I know what you’re thinking.”

He nods, “UH HUH!! A FIGHT!”

She chants, “Create Wood!

Two pieces of wood form in her right hand. They both get wood figures shaped like a cross.

“Now we both have swords.”

“All right!” he prepares.

“Let’s practice our magic. You know what to do right?”

“Of course! Now… POSITIONS!”

Pallitra stands on the opening of the corner while Phize stands on the end.

He counts, “In..3…2…1…GO!”


Fire comes out of her hand and it approaches Phize, but he attacks it with his sword in its direction and it disappears along with Pallitra’s magic circle.


“WOAH! You actually managed to do it this time. Now it’s my turn!”

“All right!” he chants, “WATER!”

Water comes out of his hand and it approaches Pallitra.

She tries to slash the water with her sword but failed. The water simply splashes on her making her very wet.

“No luck, this time, eh?” he asks.

“I did it one time before, though.”

“By placing an interruption or an unnecessary part for mana to flow in, we can cancel the magic attack, and we’re trying to practice our aim and reaction-time with wooden swords,” he postulates.

“You’ll get it soon.”

He sees a bench just near their training ground.

“Let’s sit there,” he suggests while pointing at it.

“Can’t I try it now?”

“No, I don’t want to. We won’t have time for other things.”

He sits down on the bench and then she sits down beside him. He goes red.

“U-Um…” he stutters in thought.

“Aren’t we a bit too close?”

“Hm? But we’ve always been close to each other. Is something the matter?”

“M-Maybe not.”

He continues to panic in his subconscious, “She’s so close. SHE’S SO CLOSE! I can smell her perfume from up here. Wait, she has perfume?”

“Here, I brought some snacks!”

She brings out two mayonnaise sandwiches.

She puts one on her mouth and hands one out to him.

“Thank you,” he says while blushing.

“Wait, I just noticed, but isn’t it weird since I’m technically more than 2 decades old to have a crush on a little girl as old as me?” he questions himself in thought.

He looks at Pallitra eating her sandwich.

“Man, she looks so cute,” he thought.

She notices him looking at her so she immediately goes red and faces away from him.


“It’s weird to consider my age since I’ve been reincarnated now, I think this is fine for now,” he concludes.

“Um, Phize, I’ve been meaning to ask you but…”

“W-What is it?”

“Well, y’see, these past few weeks with you have been fun, and… and…”

She is very embarrassed to say the next words but Phize was really eager to know what she had in mind.

“Uh, yes?”

“Well, um… CAN YOU MARRY ME?”



“Huh?” he thought in his dumbfounded mind.

The people around them look.

“Huh? HUUUUUUUUUH??” he continuously questions her proposal in his mind.


“Um, you d-don’t like me?”

“SO CUTE!” he thought.

“O-Of course, I l-l-like…,” his voice fades out of sheer embarrassment, “…you…”


She sweetly smiles at him. She liked his answer very much.

“Really?” she asks curiously.


“Thank you! I’m so happy right now,” she states while tears come out of her eyes.


“Oh, don’t worry, these are just tears of joy.”

“B-But, i-isn’t marrying too quick, and aren’t we too young? NOT TO EXPECT A BIT TOO FAST!”

She blushes after saying the awkward dialogue.

“I-I couldn’t help it. Y-You just looked so cute t-today, so I had t-to.”

He blushes as well.

“Fine then, we’ll make a promise.”

“A promise?”

“Yes. Do you promise to marry me when I’m older? When I’m 18 years old?”

“T-This is a critical moment. I have to think about this one,” he concluded.

He looks at her.

“But I genuinely love her, don’t I? Then I’ll be sure to keep that promise,” he concluded.

“I promise!”

“Pinky promise?”

She puts out her pinky awaiting his finger.

“I promise.”

His pinky grabs hers and they conjoin.

“This… is the happiest and best day of my two lives. A confession day,” he thought.

END OF EPISODE 13, End of School Arc

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