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The Writer role is automatically given to users who reach a certain amount of original published content and accumulated time of account ownership. Before officially entering the Editor’s Guild, Writers must complete the online etiquette exam. If the Writer wishes to enter any other roles, they must follow the usual procedure to do so.

Although all members of the Editor’s Guild must fulfill one role, it is possible to declare and perform multiple roles so long as the main role is maintained. It is also possible to switch main roles 3 days after the last switch.


To accommodate the roles of the Editor’s Guild, several in-site features must be made.

1)      Anchor Work/Anchor Widget
An empty work with an outlink to a work that is exclusive to a different site/medium.
The work page is not blank: the uploader should still fill out as much information to allow readers insight into what the work is about.
The purpose of this is to let indie authors, contracted authors, and IP holders advertise their works on ADR, thus joining the community and gaining greater exposure to their work.
For readers, this makes the search for books easier in a quickly browsable situation.

2)      Voice to Word Line Reader
A mode of assisted reading that plays the audio of a highlighted line. This is done automatically for the entirety of the chapter page, as readers are prompted to read along with the audio.
An audio library will be available for choosing voices to listen to. Users must choose a voice themselves before the assisted reading can commence.
Files in the audio library should be marked as a voice mixing or a raw voiceover, both submitted by users.

3)      Voice to Word Line Recorder
A tool for recording voice and matching them directly to text. Users must be able to highlight a portion of the text and record their voice correspondingly for the ease of self-production.
This means more, shorter audio files.
Voice artists can easily mix files of different voiceovers together with this method of recording.

4)      AI/Machine Disclaimer
A prominent marking to indicate whether generative AI was used to produce the resulting work. This applies to audio, translations, artwork, and similar.
This is not applicable to works that were made with the assistance of AI, such as grammar corrections or automatic reformatting.
AI will be used to make works more accessible even if there is little following (audio and translation).
This is not to encourage users to use AI, it is to indicate that these works need human input.

5)      Community Tags
Tags that can be attributed to works by users who are not the authors of the work in question. These are tags presenting words or phrases that are used colloquially, and so share a deeper insight into a work at a glance.
Slurs, derogatory phrases, and microaggressions should be barred from use. Expletives are up for debate.
These tags are specifically for the use of the reader: the writer should not be able to influence them outside of the writing itself.

6)      Original Distinction
A prominent marking to indicate whether a work is original.
Every anchor work should be able to be marked as such.
Works with this distinction can be used for reference of derivative works

7)      Derivative Distinction
A prominent marking to indicate whether a work is a derivative. This marking should also carry a link to the original.
Also serves as an in-system signifier that sends a royalty tax to the original work.

8)      Guided Correspondence
Emails with a special function that helps prompt responses. Text can be highlighted and comparted into answering blocks by the sender for the responder, indicating a mandatory response.
  These answering blocks are viewable when in composition for a response and can be dragged into the composition area for targeted responses.

9)      Quick-view Portfolio
A preview to portfolios that showcases up to 5 items in one’s ADR portfolio. This should be a quick and convenient look at a person’s ambitions and capabilities in terms of the Editor’s Guild.

10)   Research Note Compilation
A compact compilation of research notes and sources, formatted for ease of reading and further investigation.

11)   Open Writers’ Forum
Open forum for writers strictly for the purposes of writing and collaborating.

Examination Process

Provided here is a further explanation of the exams that a user must complete before they are accepted into the Editor’s Guild.

Basic grammar and common spelling mistakes

Basic grammar refers to not the terminology of grammar forms or grammar theory, but rather what makes a sentence coherent. It involves word tenses, syntax, and diction in the most basic forms. Common spelling mistakes are self-explanatory, as it includes vowel relationships and capitalization, as well as spelling.
Users will also be refreshed on how to use a thesaurus in revising.

Below is an example index of the technical exam:

Part 1: Direct Correction

·       Identify the error.

·       Fix the error specified.

·       Reorganize the sentence.

·       Select the most appropriate word.

·       Select the most fitting description according to the writer’s intent.

Part 2: Contextual Breakdown

·       Does this excerpt match the writer’s intent?

·       What is the general message of this excerpt?

·       What does this excerpt say about the protagonist?

·       How can the writer change this excerpt to better achieve their intent?

Part 3: Portfolio

·       Option to submit writing portfolio.

·       Option to make a sample within the specified period.

·       Additional information

o   Multilingual

o   Researcher/fact checker

o   Prominent identity

o   Specified education

o   Specified life experience

Online etiquette

Online etiquette refers to how one may conduct themselves online and under “a mask of anonymity” to better understand tasks, interact with compassion, and communicate thoughtfully. Otherwise known as “netiquette”, it is most emphasized here that the Editor’s Guild is a professional space looking for enthusiastic members.
Users will also be introduced to several terms and abbreviations to be used while communicating directly with one another. This is done to pronounce any nuances in a user’s speech in a written format.

Literary comprehension

There is a wide range of content on the internet, and it is important for writers to understand the implications of their works and writing when published online. Therefore, literary comprehension not only refers to the coherence of text, but also cultural context and analytical thinking. At most, this section is not an exam, but a reminder on how words are used and perceived in many ways, and to determine whether one’s work requires an amount of thoughtfulness that the writer’s audience may not have.

The bar of each exam is quite low to accept and encourage more beginners to expand their reading and writing practice. Appropriate resources shall also be provided for users to use and study as they go along with their adventures in the Editor’s Guild. Those who complete all three segments will receive additional points for monetary conversion.

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9 months ago

I’m especially inclined to have our online works accessible to all kinds of people. I see the necessity of accessibility as a way to not only expand our art form but also connect ourselves to the greater world. In fact, reading is the easiest way for me to understand something, and I often take it for granted as the easiest/cheapest way for anyone to learn things, but so often I am also exposed to alternative methods of learning such as video or audio that also work and leave an impact on me that reading never could.
Now, for you only readers, imagine if you couldn’t read. Whether it be a deficiency in eyesight or a cognitive abnormality, there are many reasons why one may not be able to read (illiteracy being the least of them). That shouldn’t lock one outside of a story, outside of the learning that we readers enjoy. Our works should be transferable to other forms so that as many people as possible can experience them in ways best suited for themselves. Reading is not something exclusive to the so-called higher classes, as past societies had people believe, but simply a form of communication that had also, in time, changed our perception of the world and its art exponentially.