Hey guys we’ve made a detailed outline for future site features such as a system for which users might interact outside of forums. Please see below:
Editors Guild Abstract Proposal
- To encourage and offer tools to create writing of higher quality on ADR
- Writing is best improved when practiced and actively discussed. By offering a space for such, it shall be done at a more consistent rate.
- To build a community centered around aspiring writers
- The tools provided all involve high degrees of community interaction.
- The result of interaction is expected to be support and acknowledgement. These are nurturing for aspiring writers to have.
- To provide more opportunities for pay through ADR
- Having this program will allow more site interaction variety other than just reading, writing, and commenting. The result is that more ad revenue is generated, and users may receive more points for cash-out
Editors Guild Features
- Proofreader Role
- Proofreaders edit and grammatically revise works through commission or contract. They make drafts more presentable for public consumption.
- Proofreaders are expected to have more knowledge in language and grammar.
- There will be a general grammar and language exam to grade potential editors for their (the editor’s) own reference. Editors are encouraged to retake the exam regularly and track their own growth.
- Advisor Role
- Advisors review and comment on works critically through commission or contract
- Advisors are expected to be prompt and effectively communicative with their responses
- Advisors should have a sense of relevance and relation to the writer’s audience
- There will be a media literacy test to grade potential advisors for their (the advisor’s) own growth.
- Ghostwriter Role
- The term “ghostwriter” is a moniker for any writer who wants to publish a story, but not be affiliated with it/not be responsible for it.
- Ghostwriters may also write in response to a prompt/ for a commission
- Ghostwriters will not receive revenue for their works, only the commission fee.
- All ghostwritten work will be posted under an official ADR account, and all revenue generated through these works will go directly to ADR.
(Document with in-depth descriptions for roles and their responsibilities can be found in EGRoles)
- Commission and Contract System
- A commission is a one-time order with specific requirements. They are meant to be straightforward and brief.
- A contract is a renewable, long-term order with room for negotiation. They are meant to thrive off of long-term communication and familiarity between the two parties.
- Neither of the above are legally binding through ADR; they rely on the sincerity of the parties involved. ADR is only responsible for providing a platform and assistive guidelines for the transaction.
- Online Negotiative Language (ONL)
- A dictionary of tags that can be added to the end of a sentence to indicate its verbal intonation/intention.
- A way to communicate online that mimics verbal speech for clearer communication
- Online Writing Portfolio
- A place to store and showcase excerpts of a user’s writing experience
- Past commissions and contracts can also be showcased if desired
- Additional user information, such as cultural experiences or native language, is also showcased here
Editors Guild Pages
- Questboard
- Editors and Advisors exclusive
- Writers submit their requests, commissions, and contracts here for Editors and Advisors to view and select
- In this case, requests appear in the form of a forum query and do not require any formal agreement in order to be fulfilled. While the poster may offer rewards for useful answers, it is not enforced to do so
- Forum posts are completely anonymous. Comments underneath forum posts will only have a number to refer to the user who commented, and not an actual account. This is to promote discussion without prejudice or classism
- VIP Room
- A private chatspace to be used after accepting a request from either the questboard or the speakeasy
- A contract template that clearly outlines the duties of each party will be provided and locked after both parties come to an agreement and manually fill out the template
- VIP Room chats will be saved and archived for up to 60 days after the completion of a commission/contract. It will be simplified into the contract content alone afterwards, which can be displayed on a user’s portfolio at any time after the contract’s finalization
- Speakeasy
- Ghostwriter exclusive
- Anyone can submit their story request summary here, and anyone can pick up the requests and its commission fee
- Both parties can choose to be anonymous, but basic information will still be shared such as grammar exam scores, cultural experiences, and similar attributes that do not give away one’s full identity
- Resource Directory
- A page where several relevant and certified sources for a writer of any kind’s reference/education
- Free resources will be featured as well as briefly outlined for their pros and cons
- Paid resources will also be provided as well as any discounts available
- Editor’s/Advisor’s Exam
- Editor’s Exam: an exam that scores the test-taker in a way that evaluates their fluency/comprehension of the language of choice
- Advisor’s Exam: an exam that scores the test-taker in a way that evaluates their analysis/comprehension abilities in regards to creative writing, media literacy, and cultural impact
Rules and Guidelines
- Netiquette and Conflict Prevention
- A base set of guidelines that can be accessed at any time via a floating button within the Editors Guild
- It should promote the pursuit of education and mutual understanding
- It should include a few simple steps that help a user walk away from any potentially redundant conflicts
- Contract Theory
- A thorough outline on what contracts and commissions are within the Editors Guild
- It should include that the contracts made between users in the Editors Guild are not legally binding
- It should include advice on how users may use their own discretion to agree to a contract or break a contract
- Labor and Remuneration Theory
- A brief guide on how to write a fee for one’s requests and how to evaluate the labor costs in a balanced, if not fair, way
- It should acknowledge the complexity of labor costs and emphasize that this guide is only for reference, not an absolute
- Ethics of Improvement Theory
- An outline explaining the general purpose of the Editors Guild that emphasizes the desire for improvement and cooperation
- It should reference the Netiquette and Conflict Prevention article for additional guidance
- It should encourage users to examine itself and argue for its development
Future Plans
These are ideas that are too far away from the current ADR team’s capabilities to plan for, but not impossible to achieve with the right settings. They are published in order to raise awareness towards our (the ADR team’s) goals and potentially inspire collaborators to work with us.
- Regular Quests and Income for Certified Editors Guild Members
- After achieving a certain score on the relevant exams as well as producing a palpable impact/prestige within the guild, users can apply for certification and undergo a more thorough examination that would result in getting their account certified regardless of the result.
- Certified users will get access to mandatory regular quests such as responding to a number of forum posts. In exchange, they will be paid regularly, ideally somewhere above minimum wage for their efforts
- Certified accounts will be marked when replying to a forum request
- This is possible when the financial situation at ADR is stable and rising, when there are several potential candidates for certification, and a growing yet stable community within the Editors Guild
- Additionally, there must be a way to prove that a certified user’s conduct is acceptable, helpful, and nurturing to the community before this plan can be implemented
- Multilingual Support and Translation
- Exams based in languages and cultures besides American English will be featured
- A new role will be made solely for the translation of works and cultural fact-checking
- This is possible when ADR is able to employ the relevant linguists for the language/culture of choice
- School Credits/Program/Affiliation
- The Editors Guild can provide a way for students to gather credits for their courses.
- Educational Programs Partnership
- Establish a partnership with educational programs such as edX and Coursea to provide additional opportunity for education
- Allow courses/lectures to be hosted in written format on ADR
- Have accounts set up for professors and other experts who can enrich the quality of content and discussion in the Editors Guild
- Allow professors and experts to publish papers on ADR, making them accessible for everyone
- Charity Ghostwriting
- Instead of revenue being collected for site maintenance, ghostwriters can choose a charity to donate their revenue to.
- This can only be done at a time where site maintenance fees are fully covered through other sources. Ghostwriting is a community made and community given commodity, and its remuneration should not be received by one party.
This is the earliest form of the Editor’s Guild that we had in mind. I was especially inspired by the “adventurer’s guild” trope in Japanese western fantasy novels and wanted to use the layout of a guild building to visualize the different sectors of the editing/publishing process of a traditional book. Now I feel that the use of these conventions will only confuse people, especially since we are writing a system for western writers who aren’t as exposed to professional online writing as those in east Asia. We’ll have to use direct terms in order to get ourselves across, though I do wonder if it’s possible to have a themed process such as this. I still think that using a bar/speakeasy themed ghostwriter commission area is very cool, so I hope we can tap into that in the future.