I woke up the next day still tired from how late I fell asleep last night. It seems that overthinking matters until you passed out was not good for your health.
Not that I cared all that much about it— what’s the point in taking care of your health when you can just do some simple magic and make yourself all good again.
I woke to meet the darkness of my room— thanks to the black curtains and purple walls the sunlight didn’t disturb me. If it wasn’t for my internal clock naturally waking me up— I wouldn’t have gotten up as early as I have.
My drowsy eyes peered over at the time to see just how early that was, I spotted the time to be around 7 AM in the morning. It was no wonder I felt so tired still when I fell asleep mere hours ago.
I sat up on the bed as I stretched my tired limbs— loosening up the muscles that had tensed up as I slept. Moving towards the edge of the bed I sat there for a few minutes— just resting.
‘Should I go to classes today or just stay home and help out?’ I thought to myself. Since I didn’t have any books, I didn’t think it would be worth going to school today— but I knew that staying home just to help my father with the boxes wouldn’t make sense.
Plus, with how my father was, he would never let me stay home from classes just to help him— he would want me to get my education properly, after all.
‘Fine, I’ll just do what I did yesterday. I’ll just go for a class or two then come back early and help out. That way he at least won’t complain.’ I thought to myself as I finally stood up from the bed and made my way over to the window.
Moving aside the curtains— I was met with the soft glow of the morning sun— the warm embrace wrapping my body as I closed my eyes to enjoy the moment.
I may not enjoy the heat of the sun during the day— but nothing beat waking up early on a new day and enjoying the fresh bath of sunlight from the calming morning sun. It was like the new day was welcoming you to it.
As I take a deep breath in— slowly releasing it out— I turned around and walked towards my closest. It was time to get my clothes ready for school.
Shifting through the large closest that was jam-packed with clothing of all types— from jeans and long sleeves; to dresses, both long and short, and even clothing that revealed more skin than one should show in public places.
Some were clothing I bought for myself— while others were clothing that my sisters bought for me, under the excuse that they thought it would look good.
I can’t say I have never worn them before— nor can I say I don’t enjoy how bloody hot I look in them— but let’s just say that I would never wear them where other people can see otherwise my father might curse the entire town.
‘I wore long sleeves yesterday in order to hide the tattoos. I naturally can’t keep that up forever— I just need to make sure there aren’t any hunters around before I reveal my tattoos.
Though I doubt hunters would ever stay in a small place like this.’
I thought about the hunters I have met in the past— not normal hunters that hunt after animals naturally— but rather hunters that hunt after beings of the supernatural nature as they like to call us.
Supernatural because apparently being the way we are— not human— isn’t considered natural to them. I’m sure you can assume what a family of witches think about the hunters.
While I would love to go into explaining hunters more— I honestly don’t know a lot about them. My parents never talk about them aside from the basics.
They hunt monsters— meaning us— and are evil. That’s all I know about them— and it’s all I really care to learn about them.
In the end— I decided to go with similar clothing that I wore yesterday— picking out a set of dark blue long-sleeved top and long black jeans.
I threw the clothing on the bed and walked out of my room— quietly since it was still very early. I am usually the first to get up during the day— with my father getting up earlier than me on some occasions.
My sisters never got up early because they always stayed out late partying. This meant I had to be as quiet as I can so not to wake anyone up— which wasn’t hard since I’m used to it.
Showering was enjoyable as always— the warm water gentle beating against my bare body. It helped remove any remaining signs of sleepiness that lingered on my body— freshening me right up for another day.
Turning the shower off— I dried my skin and headed to my room to get dressed— the towel wrapped around my body.
While I was walking to my room, I ran into my mother who had just gotten up in order to get ready for the day. We didn’t say much to each other as I walked passed her— only a quick, “Good morning,” then straight to my room I went.
Getting dressed didn’t take me long at all since I was already used to it— top first then jeans— it was the route I worked out to finish the fastest I could.
Once dressed, I stepped out of my room— heading down the stairs to see if anyone was awake yet. Walking into the kitchen, I came across my father who was awake making food for my mother who sat at the table observing.
“Good morning dad,” I said with a smile as I walked over. My eyes peered to what he was making— seeing that it was some simply eggs for the morning.
He turned and saw me— smiling in response as he spoke, “Ah dear, good morning. Heading to school so soon?”
I nodded my head slightly as I replied to his question, “Yes, but I will come home early today to help you out with the boxes again— so don’t overwork yourself, ok?” I said with slight concern in my voice.
While he may not need the concern because he was quite strong and healthy, how could she not care about such a sweat person— him being her father was just another reason.
He laughed and raised another egg in his hand— motioning it at me. “Don’t worry about me dear, just enjoy yourself at school. Now tell me, do you want something to eat before you go?” He asked me.
I shook my head and replied to him, “No it’s fine, I’ll eat something there when I reached there. Or along the way.” I waved him off as I headed towards the exit— I could hear him from the back as I did.
“OK see you later honey, have fun and try to make friends ok!” That was all I could hear of him before I left the building and went on my way.
It was still around 8 AM, which was relatively early to reach for classes— especially when my next class wasn’t until 10 AM— but I planned to take a while walking around the town before I go; which was why I left earlier.
Exiting my house— I walked along the sidewalk heading in the direction of my school— and unlike yesterday when the street was mainly empty— today had people bustling about in their vehicles and on the sidewalk.
I decided to avoid as many people as I could for now by taking whenever it would lead to fewer people— by doing this I ended up going in a completely different direction from the school and getting lost somewhere where it didn’t have anyone around.
I wasn’t really lost— I could easily just go back the way I came from since I remembered the route— but since I was already somewhere I hadn’t seen before and there wasn’t anyone else around— it was the perfect chance to explore the area.
Looking around at the area— I saw it was an empty street with a large abandoned factory near it.
I could tell it was abandoned— and had been so for a while because some parts of the building were already falling apart with the passing of time and unkempt nature.
Not to mention all the overgrown plants that climbed the walls of the building along with littering the floor. If that wasn’t enough to tell her it was abandoned— then the lack of any working electricity would definitely do so.
“This looks like it could be a good spot for a hideout,” I said to myself— as I moved closer to the entrance of the abandoned factory.
I’ve always loved finding hidden or abandoned areas that could be used as a hideout to avoid people. It wasn’t necessarily for anything— witchy— it was just so I could have a place to avoid everything if I needed to— and I needed to sometimes.
“Anyone here!” I yelled out as I forced the wooden door of the factory open— in the process, I broke a small piece of the rotting wood off.
I stayed silent afterward in order to hear if a response came— I wasn’t expecting one though. Yet to my surprise, I heard the shuffling of footsteps coming from a room to the back.
“Who’s there?” I said loudly again as I moved closer— I didn’t think it was an actual person— may be a rat or something.
Plus I had no reason to be worried about it being a person since I could easily deal with most people.
That’s why when I entered the room and my eyes fell on the cause of the shuffling— I froze.
Rosaline— the ocean-eyed girl I had bumped into previously— standing there near an open window, ready to jump out from it in order to avoid being caught.
A second too late that is— since I caught her.
The Souls of Black Folk