My flesh was scrubbed raw and it felt amazing. My new maids had begged me to stop when they saw my skin turning red but they were not aware of my past living conditions. All those years of gunk, rot, and death felt like they were coming off of me with each aggressive passing of the hand towel.
I had them empty and refill the enormous bathtub several times before I felt like I was satisfied with my hygiene. Luckily, some amount of good did come from Aline’s unpleasant deed, I had more than enough time to prepare for my wedding. Next, I had them bring body oil that smelled of jasmine. I dowsed myself in it, soaking in the luxurious scent. Afterward as I drank tea mixed with Luksul, one of the maids named Annith did my makeup and then went to work on my hair. Combing out the stubborn knots that I could never get to bend to my will.
She was quite good. The nest located at the nape of my neck was no match for her skillful hands and the concoction that she put in my hair.
“It’s a mixture of rose water and setera gel, my lady. It’s great for gently freeing the hair of tangles.” Annith has such a kind face, a beautiful one too. She was blessed with an oval face with soft features. She had big doe hazel eyes and nicely shaped thin brows. A light pink rogue was placed on her cheeks and lips. Her hair was warm brown and strains of hair framed her face while the rest was styled neatly in a tight bun.
“You’re beautiful, Annith.” I had said to her. She replied with a humble thank you and an array of compliments about my beauty. However, I haven’t been able to confirm them as true. Every mirror I passed I had the strong urge to avoid so much of a peek of myself. I have kept my eyes trained on the people and miscellaneous items around me.
Because I know. I know I look like him.
After my hair was brushed out they brought in the dress. My wedding dress. Today is the day of my wedding. I am getting married to a man that I don’t even know what he looks like or how he behaves around cursed beings. My heart begins thudding against my chest, attempting to jump out and end itself.
Since I found out about my engagement to the King of Shinan, I have been trying to ignore the feeling of impending doom that threatens to drown me every time the thought of the marriage lingers for too long in my mind. I always used to dream of being saved by a handsome prince and today it is going to happen but why does it feel like I am being dressed for the gallows?
The King is a newly appointed ruler meaning that there are no books in my library about him. On the other hand, the opposite is true of his father, the late King Omei. King Omei was said to be a wise ruler and a man of his word. Shinan itself was always a wealthy trading kingdom however under his rule and implemented policies, Shinan was ushered into another golden age. I pray that he has inherited those traits.
“How old is he, King Erix?”
Theresa, a brown-haired freckled maid, looks at me with surprise. “I believe he is twenty-four years old, Your Highness.”
He’s a few years older than me. “When–,” I pause. To these maids, I should know these answers already. To them, I am Princess Yueia, heir to the throne of Yakasu and future queen of Shinan. I should be well informed of the politics of these kingdoms and if my fiance.
My father has kept my secret very well hidden.
According to the teachings of Nuwa, I should never hesitate at a chance to learn so I continue to ask, “when did his reign begin?”
Theresa takes the dress off the hanger. “Two years ago, my lady. A week after the passing of the late King Omei.”
“He is quite charming.” Annith helps Theresa carry it. They lower it enough for me to step in. “I had the honor of filling up his cup at dinner yesterday.” My widened eyes shoot to her face which has a slight grin on it. “He said thank you to me when I did, which is a rarity among nobles. He seems very kind. That’s something you too have in common.”
She gives me a little pat on my arm before saying “take a deep breath, my lady.” She and Theresa quickly pull the dress up, shove my arms into the sleeves, and then motion for the other two maids, Maya and Sara, to help.
They rush to me armed with button hooks and sympathetic smiles. The ladies pull and tug and the gown tightens. It feels like I have been holding my breath for an eternity when the maids finally say done.
The women step back and admire their handiwork.
“I’m sorry, Your Highness,” Maya says. “If we had had more time we could have made it fit you perfectly.” She sighs and touches the beading on the bodice. “Clearly, the maid who took your measurements did not do it correctly. ”
Maya was the oldest of the maids, she was somewhere in between her thirties, and had a warm aura to her.
“It is beautiful,” I say. I walk over to the grand mirror in the corner of my bedroom. Avoiding my face, I stand before it. The dress was gorgeous.
It was an ivory, silky ballgown dress with gold detail throughout it. The bodice was decorated with pearls and rubies surrounded by a gold casing. The neckline was high for modesty and it to was covered with gold, pearls, and rubies. The sleeves were see-through and were one of the only parts of the gown that was not tight.
I sit down in a chair next to the mirror as Sara and Theresa approach me, carrying heavy jewelry. I watch them place a gold necklace on me. There was a big ruby in the middle as well as smaller rubies dangling from the band. I hold out my hand and take the matching ruby earrings from Sara and put them on. Annith comes over with small, pearly heels and slips them on my feet. Lastly, was the tiara.
I remember I used to wear one when I was a little girl. I used to always take it off, complaining about how it gave me a headache and I was better off without it. I would leave a trail of sharp pins behind me wherever I went. When my father came and took it away from me, along with my freedom, it was one of many things that I missed.
This tiara was very heavy and very gorgeous. It was, of course, made out of gold and bedazzled with shiny pearls and rubies. A giant red gem in the middle was encircled with more gold that trailed off into a line of pearls that curved and gold dangling from them. I never would have imagined that one day I would wear something so stunning.
I stand and face the women who made me feel for the first time in years beautiful and happy. I bow my head to them and say, “thank you all for your time and care.”
“Oh no, Your Highness, please do not bow to us,” spoke Annith. “It was our honor to serve such a pleasant and kind-hearted lady.”
In unison they bow to me, all wearing genuine smiles on their faces. Seeing their display of kindness I cannot help but compare them to the servants I was stuck with for years. Aline and the other maids, though they made some efforts, could not help but let their facade slip around me. I knew every time that they shut and locked my door, they would let out a sigh of relief. Not once did any of those men and women tried to help me or show me any true form of kindness. As days went on and the cold treatment continued, I soon believed that no good could live within the walls of the castle. And yet here stand four women who proved me wrong. Who would have thought such warm and well-mannered people could stay in a cursed place?
“Your wedding follows Shinan’s traditions,” says Sara, interrupting my thoughts, “instead of Yakasu’s, Your Highness. Your father, His Majesty, tried to oppose it but King Erix insisted on having the wedding his way.”
Puzzled I say, “I do not know Shinan’s wedding ritual.”
“Don’t worry, my lady,” Mara says reassuringly, “Shinan’s traditions are a lot simpler than ours.” Annith opens the door to my bedroom and the ladies lead me down the hall. “It will be very short. You and your father will walk down the aisle, you on his right and him on your left.” Our footsteps echo loudly through the corridor as we walk on the well-kept marble floors. “Your fingers will be intertwined and your forearms tied together by a long, thin royal blue ribbon. It will be tied loosely of course.” Sara and Annith are on either side of me holding me steady as we descend a grand staircase. “When you reach the altar, King Erix will stand in front of you two, and His Majesty will undo the ribbon and hand it to King Erix.” As pass servants, they make sure to bow deeply to me. ” King Erix will then take your hand from your father and bring you to his right side. Afterward, he will give the ribbon to our Priest Tyway.” Flowers and plants decorate the halls giving them a heavenly scent. “The priest will say a few words, you two will say I do, the ribbon will be tied around your arms, and there you’re married!”
We stop in front of a large door. It is raven black with tiny gold leaf details throughout the wood. “I thought,” I pause and try to keep from blushing, “I thought we were to kiss.”
“You would, “Sara says, “if the wedding was following our country’s tradition. Unfortunately for you, Shinan believes in saving that and,” she pauses and smiles, “other things for the bedroom.”
The women giggle amongst themselves while I watch them in embarrassment. There were no books in my library about the intimate details between man and his wife, so all the things that I know come from the whispering of my old maids.
“You will be okay, my lady,” Theresa says, placing a hand on my shoulder. “Your father is on the other side of the door waiting for you. It is best not to keep the Great King waiting.”
“No, I will not be okay,” I whisper under my breath. I place my hand on the door and summoning all the courage that I have, I push open the door.