Dark Light

In the Shadow of Your Wings

Jane’s POV


Everyone just stood there speechless, until Jaden broke the silence.


“Why didn’t you tell me this guy was harassing you all this time?” He yelled as he turned to face me, his eyes turning into a dark green startling me.


I fudged in the attempt to look at ease, it was hard enough to hold in tears.” I didn’t want to bother you”


“You told me about him staring at you funny, but the number, you said it was someone else. You lied? ” His voice was surging and without realizing my cheeks were already wet.


“Worst-case scenario, he could possibly be a psychopath just like Ailee said” His voice was filled with dark rage, but then he looked at me and his anger melted away.


“Come here, sis ”


He wiped my tears and embraced me.” I’m supposed to protect you from such things, is my duty, okay? Sorry for screaming, don’t cry. If he tries to come near you, I’ll kill him ”


Jaden walked to the car and Ailee came behind me rubbing my back.


“Are you okay? Sorry for telling Jaden about Damian, I didn’t know you kept it from him ” Before adding, she looked at Jaden and whispered, “I get that he also doesn’t know what he tried to do last month right?”


“Please don’t tell him, it will just add fuel to the fire ”


We all got in the car, but before driving I had to fight Annabelle for the passenger seat, she just wanted to try flirting with Jaden for the hundred millionth time. I won with Luke’s help.


When we arrived at granny’s I was starving. Granny came from the kitchen and welcomed everyone with a hug.


“Pumpkin, how is Yolanda doing? It has been a while since I saw her ”


Too hungry to argue about the nickname I sighed in defeat.” Mom is fine, just busy at the clinic I guess ” I told her while following her into the kitchen.


“Something really yummy is calling me in here ” Luke announced entering the kitchen as well.


“I just finished making a Greek lemon chicken and potatoes for you guys” Granny took the chicken from the oven.


“Let me set up the table. Ailee? Anna? Please come help me ”


Ailee came immediately, but I didn’t see Annabelle.” And Anna? ” I asked looking behind.


“Don’t bother, she said she is busy watching Jaden watching soccer ”


‘Well I’m not surprised at all ‘


When we were done, we all helped ourselves to some tasty food. I select a piece of chicken from my plate and chew thoughtfully, and do the same with the roasted potatoes.


The potatoes were vibrant and crunchy at the edges with just enough spicy to lift my mood. The chicken was flavorsome, making this meal a succulent meal, soft and easy to swallow, leaving behind a lemon-like aroma.


A kid would say finger-licking good.


We found ourselves in the backyard trying to digest the yummy food we just had.


Personally, I didn’t care if there was a cloth to sleep on, I just threw myself on the grass, closed my eyes, and let nature take its course.


I woke up around 3 pm, Jaden and Ailee were helping granny to plant some seeds. I looked around and saw Annabelle and Luke under the tree near the kitchen, sleeping.


‘Actually, they look cute together…’


‘Ewww, gross ‘


After having ice cream and listen to granny’s story about her childhood, we kissed her goodbye. Jaden had to drop the others, off before going back home. On our way home I got a message from our Alien group.


Wifey: what should we do for the Twin’s birthday guys?


Anna baby: let Jaden choose ^_^


Me: are you really my friend Anna?


Luke: We should travel together what do you guys think?


Luke: Anna move on will you?


Wifey: my parents already have plans to travel, plus it takes time to plan such things, I’m not certain if I’ll be here for their birthday -_-


” Jaden ” I called. ” What’re we doing for our birthday? ”


“I don’t know. What do you’ve in mind twin” He answered with a question without taking his eyes off the road.


” No idea ” I sighed.


Me: Jaden said he also doesn’t know *_*


I’ll hit you guys if we came up with something.


When we arrived, I didn’t see any lights on, which means no one was home. ‘Like always ‘


I surely never really bothered that my parents were ever busy, probably because Jaden was always around.


We went straight to our rooms, I allowed myself to take a long relaxing bath not realizing how much I needed it. I had to resist the urge to stay there for the rest of the day.


I got out of the shower regretting instantly, as the cold sharp breeze welcomed me when I opened the door making me curse under my breath. I wore my minions cotton shirt and shorts. I tried to comb my hair but failed miserably. ‘Messy bun it is then’


I decided to organize my books in a box. A picture of me and Jaden playing the piano fell from one of the books.


I squeezed my eyes shut, and smiled recalling how we used to attend piano lessons and play around the piano. Our tutor would give up chasing after reaching his limit and just sit there.


When we finally learned how to play, a month later mom asked some maintenance guy to fix an exposed wire situation, accidentally the guy fell on our piano, the ladder he used was too old.


‘It feels like it was yesterday’ I stared at the picture in silence.


” Hey! ” I grumbled as my bedroom door opened. “Haven’t you ever heard of knocking? ”


” Sometimes it beats me too. Why do you even have a door?” Jaden teased and I rolled my eyes.


“Doing what?”


“Just packing these books” I informed putting the rest of the books in the box.


“Wanna watch a movie or something? ” He asked quietly.


“Mm-hmm . . .” I whined and stared at the ceiling debating whether I should watch the movie or sleep.


“I mean, I ordered that meaty pizza you love so much ” He is purposely doing this.


‘Cheater’ But I know better.


“I mean… ” I stopped for a moment ” It’s not gonna kill me if I just watch a movie with my beloved twin, is it?” I laughed for contradicting my thoughts.


“Easily persuaded, a mere pizza did the trick, I didn’t even have to try hard”


“Let’s watch the damn movie before I change my mind,” I told him giggling.


When the pizzas got here, I grabbed a bottle of coke with two cups then headed back up. I found Jaden laying on my side of the bed, navigating through Netflix.


“What movie are we watching,” I asked while placing everything I was carrying on one of the nightstands.


” What do you want ” He just scrolled through the movies. “Do you prefer a crying type of movie like five feet apart or the funny ones like Girl’s strip?”


“I’ll go with a big, handsome, Godly type of guy. I think Aquaman fits the profile just fine” I laughed.


He rolled his eyes ” You lucky it’s a superhero movie ”


We both sat down, our backs against the bed’s board.


While we watched the movie, a thought crossed my mind when I saw a blond woman hugging a boy, whom I figured was Aquaman.


“J you know Elsa from frozen?” I asked as I repeatedly laughed in a silly way.


“Yes ”


“I think she is Aquaman’s mother ” I giggled pointing at the screen ” See? ”


He was laughing hysterically then wiped the tears at the corner of his eyes. “Sis, your stupidity never ceases to amaze me ”


I smacked his head lightly, then we continued watching, eating, and commenting about the movie here and there.


The movie was coming to an end, and so did the pizzas, Jaden took the boxes and tossed them on the floor, we were both too satisfied to move from our spots.


I rested my head on his chest feeling his heartbeat, its rhythm was wild yet calm, I was surely falling asleep.


I swear I was a second away from sleeping when Jaden gently caressed my shoulders. “I’m sorry for screaming at you today ”


“It’s fine, I was supposed to tell you about it ”


“I was so irritated when Ailee told me what he had done to you and I didn’t even notice. Obviously, I wished you would’ve told me about it, but still, I made you cry, so I’m sorry ”


“You didn’t make me cry, I was just overwhelmed with the whole situation ”


“You know I’ll always be here for you right?!” He asked, more like a reminder.


“I know ” Scooting closer I buried my head on his chest. ” I was just so tired of all those boys telling me I was weird, and the only boy that seemed to supposedly like me is the one that scares me the most. I couldn’t help to feel that maybe I won’t ever love or be loved by anyone”


“Hey! Don’t you ever think that, okay? That boy is a coward that can’t take no for an answer, he can say that he likes you but I think he doesn’t even know the meaning of it. If he really liked you he would want to make you smile, not scare you ”


“I love you and always will” He added kissing the top of my head. “You don’t have to rush, eventually you’ll meet someone who will love you for being yourself, you know?”


I didn’t realize I was crying until Jaden moved back cupping my face with his hands.


” No matter what, don’t you ever forget that we are one, you are my 0.5 and I’m your 0.5″ His words seem to trigger an alarm in my brain and I couldn’t stop the tears from falling.


“And Mia?” I asked playfully while trying to smile through my sobs. Suddenly I was laughing or crying maybe both.


He smiled and reached up caressing my cheek. “You know that is different” I giggled.


“What do you think is the definition of love, I mean from a couple of points of view,” I asked thinking about it.


“I have two definitions, how many do you want to hear?”


“I want to hear all of them” I encourage him.


“One: Is giving up on something you longed for so long, for your significant one”


“Two: is bestowing upon someone the power to annihilate you, but trusting them not to use it against you”


” Wow that was deep ” I murmured.


” I know right? I googled it ” He said it and I just shook my head.


” Is that how you feel about her?” I asked referring to Mia.


” I think so, I mean she has the ability to make me angry in a heartbeat but calms me down at the same rate” He gave me a silly smile. “I just love how cute she is when she is trying to argue about useless things and I just keep smiling at her ”


‘Now he is blushing ‘


“Okay, okay, cheesy much, ” I said moving from his chest, staring at the ceiling.” I hope one day I can get to feel the same”


“You’ll, that being after I interview whoever you’ll fall in love with, and obviously he passing my test,” He said smirking.


“Deal ” I countered.


“Till then you’re stuck with me sis ” He said and we just laid down looking at the ceiling.

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