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CDBN, Cheshir's Book, Daily Nothings

This work will be updated daily with brief morning thoughts and little tangents that I, Cheshir, go through every day as I write and play! My knowledge is very limited, and so I often go through “webhunts” to find solutions to things I think about, such as why are people universally afraid of the dark, or why are there so many labels in circulation nowadays on the internet and in academia (the result will not shock you).

I’m interested in linguistics, cultural phenomenons, deep sea creatures, and juvenile quantum physics to say the least (and in that order). My Filipino upbringing and Asian-American environment dictates a lot of my biases, of which I often explore.

Sometimes I’ll post my conclusions of my research that I use for my stories. Sometimes I’ll post excerpts of my stories and analyze them using my author’s lens. I’m also thinking of posting extras, character studies, worldbuilding tips, and examinations on my writing habits.

Most often, I’ll speak on personal things that I feel I cannot share in my real life for various reasons. After all, you will find that I am very obsessed with myself and my own writings.

I encourage you all to have conversations in the comments, be respectful, and try to understand each other. I know that I will receive many things that I may not be prepared for in posting a work like this, but I have faith in my detached personality to persist and encourage conversation. As much as I hope to post for myself, I also hope that this work may lead to a reflection of the modern internet age, in which we all may discover ourselves and one another.


Protagonist: Cheshir | Supporting Characters: Cheshir | Others: Cheshir, Cheshir, Cheshir, Cheshir

Brief Introduction:
In fact, I’d rather not be here, but my mom loves me.

Curiosity is a leisure activity that everyone can enjoy.

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English (US)

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Suicide and self-harm, Mental illness, Religious themes and blasphemy, Sexuality and gender identity, Existential crisis, Self-harm, Intense or explicit visual imagery, Risky behaviors
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