Dark Light

Chapter 9: inheritance or business?

In the company board room, the Cochan family gathered around a small man in long brown robes. 

This was the newly appointed Dragon priest who had arisen to the post just a few days ago. The previous priest had died from old age, sadly. Conor’s mother had been the last true high priestess, with the current clergy seemingly unable to carry the same wisdom she had possessed.

When Conor walked in, the priest perked up and immediately walked over to him. “Ah, brother Brantley! It is good to see you. I am sure you don’t remember me, but I served under your mother many years ago. She was a wise and honored priestess.” 

The monk even bowed to Conor, and Jessica’s whole family became tense. None of them liked seeing Conor praised. Mr. Cochan cleared his throat. “Hehem, Mr. Arios, we have gathered the family and now our beloved Conor is here. He is now of age to receive the blessing of the temple. What can you present?”

Just then, Kelan Benedict walked in. “Sorry I am late.”

Conor frowned. “What are you doing here, Kelan?”

“You, shut up!” Declared Cynthia, his mother-in-law, “Kelan was invited as a trusted business partner.”

“Ah, business. Because my inheritance is just business. Great.” Conor huffed. All the scorn and rejection of the last few years mounted upon him as he walked to the front like a cow sold for profit.

The monk, Brother Arios, wrung his hands as he glanced around the room, the family watching him like a pack of hungry wolves. “Umm, Right. Today, the temple recognizes its honor, and obligation to see to the needs of those who were left behind by the passing of our dear priestess…”

“Dovari witch” scoffed Kelan Benedict not so quietly.

The whole room gasped and turned to Kelan.

Conor was brimming with fury. “What did you say?”

Kelan smirked. “what, don’t tell me you didn’t know why that temple was sacked back then?”

It was Mr. Cochan who asked the question on everyone’s minds. “What do you mean Mr. Benedict? Are you blaspheming Celia, here, right before her very priest?”

“Celia? NO! I do not challenge Celia or any of the dragon gods. But the Dovari… those….NECROMANCER WITCHES,” he spat.

“They practiced dark magic with forbidden knowledge. That priestess was their leader. The temple needed to be purged to cleanse it back to the pure worship of Celia. Our dear brother Arios here should know that part, but the temple seems keen to forget that little part of its history.”

Jessica glanced at Conor whose face was ashen and fist clenched. She subconsciously stepped away and behind her parents. 

Brother Arios on the other hand looked downright indignant and didn’t hold back.

“Blasphemous lies, young man. The temple was raided, but it was done by savage brutes with no conscience or dignity. Sister Raina was a wise and respected priestess. You know nothing at all of her greatness, and yet here you are, insulting her memory. How dare you?! Another word, and you … you, just get out of here!”

Kelan just smirked, ignoring Brother Arios completely, self-satisfaction evident.

It was Cynthia Cochan that broke the awkward tension. “Brother Arios, you said something about obligations?”

“Ah yes, well I have here a letter from the abbot for our Mr. Brantley.” Arios, who had quickly calmed down, read a long letter to the crowd about how honored the Abbot had been to serve with Sister Raina and several anecdotes from over the years.

Finally, he reached a part about the temple’s obligation. “the Abbot wishes for me to impart to Mr. Brantley our heartfelt condolences at the loss of your mother and her wise guidance and hopes their gold pieces will see you through the year to come.” 

He produced three gold dragons and handed them to Conor. 

Conor palmed the heavy coins but managed to quickly slide one into a pocket right under Arios’s nose, without anyone in the room seeing. As Conor turned back to the crowded room, holding one in each hand, showing them to the eager ‘family’ of his.

As Brother Arios left the meeting room, his part complete, Mr. Cochan frowned. In front of the family, he tried to maintain his composure as he said, “Well, two gold coins is not much but then again, I suppose the temple figures you will just waste it anyway.”

He and Cynthia rushed to Conor, “Now, son, you know for the years that we have supported you, one of these is due to us. One is also due to your wife, for all she has had to endure with you as a husband and for paying for your failures.” 

Cynthia who has just been waiting for the priest to leave, snatched one of the gold coins from Conor’s hand faster than he could react. Mr. Cochan just watched and smiled.

Conor frowned at this pit of vipers, but he could hardly come up with an argument. 

He had actually been surprised the temple had given him anything, since his mother had already sent him two dragons via Mr. Nuri. Perhaps the temple was unaware of that?

His mother-in-law Cynthia then piped up, “and he said this was to see you through THIS year, so when he comes again next year, that will be due us as well.” 


Conor couldn’t believe his ears. 

Did these snakes really expect the temple just keep paying him each year for simply existing? “What do you mean again? Do you really think the temple is just going to give me money every year? That is not how this works! This was it, done, finished!”

Cynthia stared at the large gold coin in her hand, and glanced to the other gold coin still in Conor’s other palm, greed filling her eyes. “Well, at least you are worth this much.”

What Kelan said next had everyone stunned. “If two gold dragons are all it takes to get you people excited, marry Jessica to me as a concubine, and be done with this son of a Dovari bitch” he spat, “Witch or whatever you want to call her. Do this, and my family will contribute two gold dragons a year to the Cochan family coffers, as well as any business deals that would be mutually beneficial.”

Cynthia’s eyes lit up instantly. However, Jessica recoiled at almost the same moment and moved closer to Conor for a change.

“HAHAHA, you think that pathetic wimp is better than me? I can provide you the world, Jessica! Do not scorn me!”

“No! Please no, mum!” Jessica turned pleading eyes on her mother. 

It wasn’t that Kelan was bad looking. On the contrary, he was decent enough to look at. But his personality stank of a rough upbringing and of the mines his family ran. The harsh nature was plain for any to see. Not to mention the rumors that made her flinch.

Rumors ran amuck of the women who disappeared after being caught in Kelan’s wake. Few were ever seen again, and the few ones who came back from Kelan’s embrace were broken and battered.

Sudden steel filled Conor’s veins. 

The voice that came to his lips was not his own, yet his soul resonated with every word. “Kelan Benedict, you will cease your slander and attacks against this family. You will take your foul mouth and return to the pits from whence you came.”

Jessica swallowed hard and gripped his arm tight as she heard the words. 

Cynthia looked about ready to tear Conor’s eyes out. “Don’t talk to Mr. Benedict like that! He is worth 10 of you! Oh, why did we ever agree to marry our Jessica to the likes of you! Dovari indeed!”

Kelan sized up Conor before turning to Mr. Cochan, “I will not force Jessica to do anything, but I suggest you talk reason to her. I can provide your family with many resources, or I can be an insurmountable mountain in your way. Choose wisely.”

Before Conor could say anything that might get him in trouble, Kelan stormed out. 

Mr. Cochan glared at Conor, as if he was some sort of contagious filth, “If you have damaged our relationship with the Benedicts, so help me, boy! You will be out of the streets begging before the sun sets! Perhaps Kelan would be kind enough to toss you into one of his mines for work. I hear the workers at least get fed, even if they don’t see the light of day ever again!.” Mr. Cochan then grabbed his wife’s arm and led her and the family out.

Jessica lingered, and Conor turned to her. 

He finally held out the other gold coin and said, “I can take this to the bank today and have it exchanged and the proceeds deposited into our account. I can make sure our rent is paid for the year, and maybe have a bit more left over.”

Jessica stared at the coin, and shifted slightly, “It would be a relief to have the rent paid on time for a change.” 

She then looked up at him, trying to decide something. “I can trust you to handle this, right? You are not going to just disappear with the money or go drink it ways at a bar or buy drugs right?”

Conor staggered back, the hurt obvious. “Jess, you know me better than that! I have never done drugs, and I would never drink away our money!”

“Fine, prove yourself. It was more money than we could hope for right now, so you had best use it wisely and actually pay our expenses for once. If the Benedict family turns against us, That is likely the only money we will have for a long while.” with that she turned and left the room, leaving Conor to stew in the silence.

After a long moment, he pulled out his cellphone and called Mr. Nuri.

“Mr. Brantley, what can I do for you today.” The tone was business like, but somehow it made Conor feel relieved.

Conor quickly explained the temple’s donation, and the two gold coins he now had. “Also, a teen by the name of Yuri will hopefully be calling you later. He is a game designer, but he is young.”

“What can I do to help?” Came Mr. Nuri’s calm voice.

“He is in need of a financial backer as well as a business mentor. I was hoping that you might be able to meet with him and see if you agree that his business plan and game are sound investments.”

“Investment?” Mr. Nuri’s tone shifted. “Okay, Mr. Brantley, I do have a sizable team of professionals who provide a full suite of services for my clients, including what you mention. If there are investments to be made, well, if Celia guides and the deal is solid, I will see what we can do. You mentioned two more gold coins. I am guessing you are wanting to invest in this kid’s idea?”

“Yes, if the plan is sound to you and your team that is.”

“Two dragons for game investment… well it’s a lucrative field. When this yuri kid calls I will have my team meet with him and we will see what potential there is.”

“Well, not two dragons… I need to make sure my rent is covered for the month, so if you could help me exchange the gold and get me enough to cover the rest of the rent we own, that would be ideal.”

“Yes of course. Not a problem.  I can send one of my assistants to pick up the gold coins if that is convenient. I actually have to step into a meeting momentarily with my partners, but Anna, my top-tier assistant will come and collect the coins for me. In time, we can set up a dedicated investing account for you.”

“Thank you, Mr. Nuri!” Conor said sincerely before hanging up.


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